Otto Fleischmann

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Otto Fleischmann (born January 24, 1896 in Mór , Austria-Hungary , † January 8, 1963 in New York City ) was an Austrian-American psychoanalyst .


Fleischmann grew up in Vienna . He studied law, did his doctorate and initially worked as a lawyer. It was analyzed by August Aichhorn . He was a student of Sigmund Freud in Vienna, where he also met other psychoanalysts such as Anna Freud . After the annexation of Austria he had to flee as a Jew to Hungary, where he owned vineyards in Mór . In order to be accepted into the Hungarian Psychoanalytic Association, however, he had to improve his knowledge of Hungarian.

After the occupation of Hungary in April 1944, he was placed in Budapest by Raoul Wallenberg in autumn 1944 under the diplomatic protection of the Swedish Foreign Ministry. He himself supported Wallenberg's activities and motivated the Hungarian Károly Szabó to participate in Wallenberg's rescue operations. Szabó's “dressing up with a leather coat as a secret police officer” was probably his idea. In Otto Fleischmann's estate there is a report that the first successful action by Károly Szabó as a "secret police" in December 1944 was to save the lives of Otto Fleischmann and Pál Hegedűs.

After the end of the war, Fleischmann returned to Vienna , where he again worked with the psychoanalyst Aichhorn and became a member of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Association . Raoul Schindler and Hedda Eppel were among those who did a training analysis with him .

Fleischmann emigrated to the USA and from then on worked in the Menninger sanatorium in Topeka with Karl Menninger . Fleischmann had been director and head of the Psychoanalytical Institute there since 1956. In 1962 Anna Freud visited him.

Fonts (selection)

  • Contribution in: Paul Federn , Heinrich Meng (Hrsg.): The Psychoanalytische Volksbuch: Seelenkunde, Hygiene, Medizinkunde, Kulturkunde . Bern: Huber, 1939

Web links

References and comments

  1. ^ A b c d e Paul Harmat: Freud, Ferenczi and the Hungarian psychoanalysis . Edition Diskord, Tübingen 1988, ISBN 3-89295-530-1 , pp. 271f
  2. Tamás Szabó: Who was the man in the leather coat? , Kindle, p. Xxx
  3. ^ Otto Fleischmann papers , Library of Congress
  4. ^ History of psychoanalysis in Austria , with female psychoanalysts. Biographical lexicon
  5. Raoul Schindler at the 90th , at
  6. Hedda Eppel , with psychoanalysts. Biographical lexicon