Otto Laubacher

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Otto Laubacher

Otto Laubacher (born December 31, 1943 in Schwyz ) is a Swiss politician and member of the Swiss People's Party (SVP) . He has a degree in electrical engineering , is an entrepreneur , is married and has two grown children.

Political career

Otto Laubacher was a member of the Grand Council of the Canton of Lucerne from 1995 to 1999 . In the 1999 elections he was elected to the National Council, where he initially sat in the GPK Business Audit Commission and later in the KVF Commission for Transport and Telecommunications. In addition, he participated in various special commissions and was appointed to the NEAT supervisory delegation NAD from December 1, 2003 , of which he was president since mid-December 2005 for one year. In this function, he made a name for himself, among other things, with the demand for a containment of construction costs for the Ceneri Base Tunnel . In the 2007 elections, he no longer ran.

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