Otto Rabbethge

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Otto Rabbethge (born May 23, 1874 in Einbeck ; † 1935 ) was a German farmer and sugar factory owner.


Otto Rabbethge belonged to a family of sugar manufacturers. His grandfather was Matthias Rabbethge , his father Carl Rabbethge, the namesake of Carl Rabbethge & Comp. oHG - sugar factory and agriculture in Einbeck. His brothers were Erich Rabbethge and Oskar Rabbethge .


After graduating from the Leibniz Realgymnasium in Hanover , Otto Rabbethge began to study at the Kaiser Wilhelms University . In 1896 he became active in the Corps Palatia Strasbourg . As an inactive , he moved to the Friedrichs University in Halle and the Technical University of Braunschweig . After graduating, he received practical training on farms and sugar factories. In the fall of 1899 he became co-owner and later owner of Carl Rabbethge & Comp. oHG - sugar factory and agriculture . Since he remained childless, he bequeathed her to his brother Oskar.

He was a member of the Göttingen Chamber of Commerce .



Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 33 , 106