Otto Schauenburg

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Otto Schauenburg also: Otto von Schauenburg or Otto von Schomburg (* around 1395, † around 1466), was provost of the Uetersen monastery and canon in Hamburg .


Provost Otto Schauenburg was Nicolaus Poppe's successor and belonged to the Schauenburg family . On August 19, 1466, he was the first witness in a document from Count Otto III. called: "Mr. Otto Schauenburg, prowest to Utersen un de unseer leven Frauwen Kerken in Hamborg". The third witness named is an “Alff Schauwenburg de Jünger” who also belongs to the Schauenburg family. In this a dispute with the Harvestehude monastery about the Bilsen forest is settled. Through a contract with his predecessor, he took over the right of patronage over the St. Johannes Church in Seester and the old Nikolaikirche in Elmshorn . However, this right of patronage is not properly recognized and there are quite violent disputes about the churches, which even he cannot resolve. Otto Schauenburg died around 1466 and was succeeded by Johann Schauenburg .

Literature and Sources

  • Johann Friedrich Camerer : News from the old and respectable monastery and fräuleinkloster, including the town of Uetersen. In: Johann Friedrich Camerer: Mixed historical-political news in letters from some strange areas of the duchies Schleßwig and Hollstein, their natural history and other rare antiquities. Theil 2. Korte, Flensburg et al. 1762, pp. 145-400.
  • Christian Kuß : The former nunneries of Cistercienserodern in Holstein. 3. The Uetensen monastery. In: New citizenship magazine with special consideration for the duchies of Schleswig, Holstein and Lauenburg. Vol. 2, issue 3/4, 1834, ZDB -ID 526463-7 , pp. 797-848, here p. 825.
  • Detlef Detlefsen : History of the Holstein Elbmarschen. Volume 2: From the passage of the marshes to the kings of Denmark, 1460, to the present. Self-published, Glückstadt 1892, p. 109.
  • Hans F. Bubbe : Attempt of a chronicle of the city and the monastery Uetersen. Volume 1, Part 1: From the beginnings to the time of the Reformation. Heydorn, Uetersen / Holstein 1932, pp. 34, 40 and 56.
  • Erwin Freytag : List of provosts and prioresses at the Cistercian nunnery and later noble monastery in Uetersen until around 1870. In: Yearbook for the Pinneberg district . 1970, pp. 37-43.
  • Elsa Plath-Langheinrich : The monastery at the Uetersten End. A small guide through the historic park of the former Cistercian monastery and later aristocratic women's monastery Uetersen. CDC Heydorns Verlag, Uetersen 2008, ISBN 978-3-934816-04-6 .
  • Elsa Plath-Langheinrich: From the Cistercian monastery to the aristocratic women's monastery in Uetersen in Holstein. From eight centuries. = Uetersen Monastery in Holstein. With Cistercian women and noble nuns through eight centuries. Wachholtz, Neumünster 2008, ISBN 978-3-529-02813-7 .
  • Uetersen monastery archive
predecessor Office successor
Nicolaus Poppe Provost of the Uetersen monastery
Johann Schauenburg