Oumourdan Nafala

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Quartier d'Oumourdan Nafala
District of Oumourdan Nafala
Coordinates 16 ° 58 ′  N , 8 ° 0 ′  E Coordinates: 16 ° 58 ′  N , 8 ° 0 ′  E
Basic data
Country Niger


department Tchirozérine
Borough Agadez
Residents 2824 (2012)

Oumourdan Nafala (also: Imourdan Nafala , Imour Dan Nafala , Oumoudan Nafalla ) is a district of Agadez in Niger .

Oumourdan Nafala is one of eleven historic area of the UNESCO World Heritage counting old town of Agadez , in the south-east it is. The adjacent old town quarters are Agar Garin Saka in the northwest, Oumourdan Magass in the north and Angoual Bayi in the southwest.

The place name Oumourdan Nafala means "upper Oumourdan". Historically, it is one of the three districts of the Tuareg Confederation Kel Owey . The other two are Oumourdan Magass and Akanfaya . These quarters are characterized by many paddocks for camels called agajir and by temporary residences for foreign nomads called guida-n- baki . Sights in Oumourdan Nafala include the Abawagé Mosque and Toundoun Gabass Square. The population is subordinate to the Gonto von Oumourdan Nafala, a traditional mayor who acts as a middleman between the Sultan of Agadez and the residents.

At the 2012 census, Oumourdan Nafala had 2824 inhabitants who lived in 468 households. At the 2001 census, the population was 535 in 85 households, and at the 1988 census, the population was 1,022 in 142 households.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Agadez. Plan de Gestion du center historique, 2012–2018. (PDF) Ministère de la Jeunesse, des Sports et de la Culture, January 2012, pp. 17–18 , accessed on January 30, 2018 (French).
  2. Aboubacar Adamou: Agadez et sa Région (=  Études Nigériennes . No. 44 ). Pr. De Copédith, Paris 1979, p. 141 .
  3. Répertoire National des localites (ReNaLoc). (RAR) Institut National de la Statistique de la République du Niger, July 2014, p. 19 , accessed on 7 August 2015 (French).
  4. ^ Répertoire National des Communes (RENACOM). (RAR file) Institut National de la Statistique, accessed November 8, 2010 (French).
  5. Recensement Général de la Population 1988: Répertoire National des Villages du Niger . Bureau Central de Recensement, Ministère du Plan, République du Niger, Niamey March 1991, p. 25 ( ceped.org [PDF; accessed January 31, 2018]). www.ceped.org ( Memento of the original dated January 31, 2018 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.ceped.org