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Ouonofo (Chad)
Coordinates 21 ° 12 ′  N , 17 ° 28 ′  E Coordinates: 21 ° 12 ′  N , 17 ° 28 ′  E
Basic data
Country Chad


The Tibesti Mountains and its settlements

Ouonofo (also Ouanofo , in German sources also Uonofo , Uanofo , in English texts also Wonoufo ) is a settlement in the north of Chad in the Tibesti region , in Enneri Zoumri, about 75 km east-southeast of Bardaï .


Before the colonial era

The Austrian anthropologist Peter Fuchs mentions in his book "The peoples of South-Eastern Sahara" (1961) Fierce fighting between Tubu groups to Ouonofo where the communities of Taizera at the end of the clans of Funtia and Dirsina from the Bardai - and Zummeri Valley would have expelled: "However, the Taizera occupied the abandoned villages Uonofo, Edimpi and Aderké where they devoted themselves to the Bodenbau it is believed that by Taizera the cultures of Bardai- and Zummeri valley took a new upswing.." And elsewhere: "Now the Taizera occupied the places Uonofo, Edimpi and Aderké, where they still live. The Taizera are very numerous. They own large palmeries and have allied themselves with the Tomagra through marriage. They are exclusively farmers. At They play an important role in the election and appointment of the Derde of Arna des Tibesti. "

Ouonofo in the 1974 Tibesti Uprising

Ouonofo later played a role as a rebel hideout during the Tibesti Uprising in the mid-1970s. As Goukouni Oueddei , President of Chad from 1979 to 1982, explained in an interview in 2008, his then ally Hissène Habré and other insurgents decided in early 1974 in Ouonofo to take western hostages to extort weapons and ransom. (Oueddei, a Teda language -Muttersprachler, talks in this interview in the French newspaper Le Monde of Ouanoufou what the spelling of the German Uanufu would suggest.) Previously, they had learned that the nearby Bardai a German doctor, a French archaeologist and a French Development workers are active. These three people, Christoph Staewen , Françoise Claustre and Marc Combe, were actually kidnapped on April 21, 1974 during a rebel attack on Bardaï, which at the time was one of the few places in Tibesti controlled by the Chadian government. Staewen, whose mother was a sister-in-law of the then Federal President Gustav Heinemann and who practiced in Bardai on behalf of the German Development Aid Minister Erhard Eppler , was quickly released in exchange for a ransom payment in the millions. As Oueddei revealed in 2008, this action decided on in the Ouonofo oasis has significantly promoted the struggle of the insurgents, because their then almost 1000 fighters had only had light weapons and two off-road vehicles.

Ouonofo as a rebel stronghold until 2010

The little oasis remained a stronghold of the rebels long after the 1974 affair. Ounofo is one of the few villages in Tibesti where the Chadian government only managed to regain control in 2010. Before that, the site had been continuously in the hands of Tubu rebels of the MDJT for almost 30 years .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Peter Fuchs: Die Völker der Südost-Sahara: Tibesti, Borku, Ennedi , Vienna 1961, p. 205
  2. Peter Fuchs: Die Völker der Südost-Sahara: Tibesti, Borku, Ennedi , Vienna 1961, p. 120
  3. 1974-1977 L'affaire Claustre et la rupture avec Habré ; Le Monde August 18, 2008
  4. Jérôme Tubiana, Claudio Gramizzi: Tubu Trouble - State and Statelessness in the Chad – Sudan – Libya Triangle, Geneva 2017, ISBN 978-2-940548-37-8 , p. 56