Périgord pourpre

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The Périgord pourpre is, together with the Périgord blanc , the Périgord noir and the Périgord vert, one of the four tourist subdivisions of the Périgord .


Situation map of the Périgord divided into four colors

The French adjective pourpre has the meaning purple, purple, purple in German . It was chosen based on the typical autumn colors of the vine leaves in the important wine-growing region of Bergerac (with 13 AOC and 1200 winemakers ). The French pourpre is derived from the Latin purpura , which in turn goes back to the ancient Greek πορφύρα porphyra .

Historical background

Grape harvest in the Côtes-de-Bergerac

The name Périgord pourpre was launched in the 1980s by the Comité départemental du tourisme (CDT) to complete the three existing colors noir ( black ), blanc ( white ) and vert ( green ).


The Périgord pourpre is located in the south and south-west of the Dordogne department . It corresponds more or less to the Arrondissement Bergerac or the Pays du Grand Bergeracois . In contrast to the Bergeracois landscape , the Périgord pourpre includes the Landais landscape in addition to the Bergeracois .

Besides the sub-prefecture of Bergerac, the main towns in Périgord pourpre are the municipalities

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Patrick Ranoux: Atlas de la Dordogne-Périgord . Speed ​​impression, 1996, ISBN 978-2-9501476-1-5 , pp. 15 .