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In various countries, sub-prefecture refers to administrative units below the prefectural , provincial or municipal level.


Sous-prefecture in Verdun

In France , the sub-prefecture (French sous-préfecture ) refers to an administrative level below the department and the region .

The location of the sub-prefecture is the capital (French chef-lieu ) of an arrondissement ; the chief administrative officer of an arrondissement is the sub-prefect (French sous-préfet ).

There are no sub-prefectures in the capitals of the departments ; the prefectures are also responsible here.


In Brazil , the sub-prefecture ( port. Subprefeitura ) refers to a subordinate administrative unit of some large municipalities, including São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro . The sub-prefect (port. Subprefeito ) is usually appointed by the prefeito , the mayor.


In Japan , the sub-prefecture ( Japanese 支 庁 , shichō , literally: "branch office, authority") is a subordinate administrative unit of some prefectures . Hokkaidō and Yamagata are completely divided into sub-prefectures, in other prefectures only individual areas, especially islands and remote mountain regions, are organized as sub-prefectures.

Sub-prefectures in Japan: