Pacino di Buonaguida

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Pacino di Buonaguida or Bonaguida (* approx. 1280 in Florence ; † 1339) was an Italian painter and miniaturist from the Giotto School.


Apse of the Church of Santa Felicita with the crucifix by Pacino di Buonaguida

The first document mentioning Pacino dates back to 1303. This year the young artist, described as artifex publicus in arte pictorum , ended his collaboration with the painter Tambo di Serraglio, with whom he probably completed his apprenticeship. This means that, with a good approximation, his presumed date of birth can be set about twenty years earlier.

The only work signed by Pacino is a polyptych with a crucifixion with Saints Nicholas, Bartholomew, Fiorenzo and Luke (now in the Galleria dell'Accademia in Florence). It bears the inscription SIMON PRESPITERO S. FLORENTII PINGI FECIT HOC OPUS A PACINO BONAGUIDE ANNO DOMINI MCCCX ... and was originally on the main altar of the Church of San Firenze .

His painting is characterized by an archaic style that is strongly linked to the specifications of the late 13th century and influenced by Giotto's early works.

The catalog of his works consists of a wide range of miniatures; The historicized initials of some codices are particularly noteworthy:

Other miniatures are in Cambridge ( Fitzwilliam Museum ), Venice ( Fondazione Giorgio Cini ) and New York ( Pierpont Morgan Library ).

The last document on Pacino dates back to 1330, when he enrolled in the Arte dei Medici e Speziali in Florence.


  • Polyptichon with Crucifixion and Saints Nicholas, Bartholomäus, Fiorenzo and Lukas , 136 × 249 cm, (signed), approx. 1310–1320, Florence, Galleria dell'Accademia, inv. No. 8568
  • Cross with Christ crucified , 330 × 232 cm, Florence, Santa Felicita Church
  • Tree of Life, 248 × 151 cm, Florence, Galleria dell'Accademia, Inv. No. 8459 (from the Poor Clare Monastery in Monticelli, Florence)
  • Madonna and Child known as Madonna Griggs , 79 × 53 cm, New Haven , Yale University Art Gallery , Inv. 1943.204 (already in New York , Collezione MF Griggs)
  • Fragmented and scattered polyptych
    • Middle section with Madonna and Child , 81 × 51 cm, Florence, Galleria dell'Accademia, inv. No. 6146
    • Side part with James the Elder , 47 × 28 cm, Rome , Christie's auction of May 22, 1980, lot no. 301 ((from the Cortese collection in Castagneto Carducci )
  • Dossal with Madonna and Child, saints and donors , 62 × 159 cm, 1976 ), Baltimora , Walters Art Museum , no. 37.2494 (acquired 1973 )
  • Polyptych of Saints Flora and Lucilla , dismembered
  • Polyptych of St. Proculus (?), Dismembered and partially scattered
    • 3 side panels with Saint Nicholas (?), John the Evangelist and Saint Proculus (?) Bishop , each 71 × 45 cm, Florence, Galleria dell'Accademia, Inv. No. 8698-8699-8700
    • 2 parts of the predella story of Saint Proculus , each approx. 27 × 33 cm, Cambridge , Harvard Art Museum , Fogg Art Museum , Inv. 1943.110, 1943.111
    • Predella part with St. Proculus celebrates mass in the presence of a bishop , location unknown ( Paris , Asta Drouot Richelieu, 1992, no.39)
    • Predella part with martyrdom of a saint (San Fiorenzo?) , Bergamo , private collection
    • Predella part with the resurrection of a dead child under the grave of St. Proculus (attribution by Roberto Longhi, 1948), Frankfurt , private collection
  • Side part of a polyptych of James the Elder , 61 × 36 cm, New York , private collection
  • Triptych Wildenstein with crucifixion, mourning for the dead Christ, Ascension of Christ , 46 × 78 cm, location unknown (formerly in New York , Wildenstein & Co.)
  • Tabernacle painted with the crucifixion of Christ with donors and stories from the life of Christ , 45 × 64 cm, Tucson , The University of Arizona Museum of Art, Inv. 61.118 (formerly in New York, Collection Samuel. H. Kress , No. K1717)
  • Altar with the Crucifixion, Madonna and Saints , 50 × 40 cm, Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi (Inv. 1890 n.9806)
  • Crucifixion of Christ and Saints , 27 × 20 cm, location unknown (formerly in Florence, Villa I Tatti, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies)
  • Fragment of a cross painted with Christ crucified , 139 × 35 cm, Ponce (Porto Rico), Museo de Arte de Ponce, inv. 62.0259 (formerly New York, Collection Samuel H. Kress, Inv.K126)
  • Strauss Diptych with John the Evangelist in Patmos, Madonna and Child Enthroned and Saints, Assumption of Mary Crucifixion of Christ , 62 × 81 cm, New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , inv. 64.189.3
  • Tabernacle of Chiarito,, 101 × 113 cm, Los Angeles , J. Paul Getty Museum , No. 85.PB.311 (from the Convento di Chiarito in Florence at the end of 1787 ).

Individual evidence

  1. The date can be imprecise and has therefore been interpreted differently by scientists MCCCXI (1311) or MCCCXV (1315) or MCCCXX (1320)
  2. ^ Attribution by Richard Offner, 1922
  3. a b c Attribution by Richard Offner, 1930
  4. ^ A b Attribution by Richard Offner, 1956
  5. ^ Attribution to Federico Zeri
  6. ^ Attribution by Federico Zeri
  7. a b c Attribution by BB Fredericksen-F. Zeri, 1972
  8. ^ Attribution by Roberto Longhi, 1948
  9. Attribution by Miklós Boskovits, 1984
  10. ^ Attribution by Caneva and Boskovits


  • Richard Offner: A critical and historical corpus of Florentine painting . Sect. 2nd, full. I-II. Florence 1930 (English).
  • Roberto Longhi: Giudizio sul Duecento . In: Proporzioni . No. 2 , 1948, p. 5-54 .
  • Richard Offner: A critical and historical corpus of Florentine painting . Sect. 2nd, vol. IV. Florence 1954 (English).
  • Burton B. Fredericksen, Federico Zeri: Censimento dei dipinti italiani precedenti al XIX secolo nelle collezioni pubbliche di musei del North America . Harvard University Press, Cambridge 1972 (English).
  • Marvin Eisenberg: A late trecento Custodia with the life of St. Eustache . In: Irving Lavin and John Plummer (Eds.): Studies in late medieval and Renaissance painting in honor of Millard Meiss . New York 1977, p. 143-151 (English).
  • Maria Grazia Ciardi Dupre: I francescani a Firenze: due antifonari della Scuola di Pacino . In: Studi di storia dell'arte in memoria di Mario Rotili . Naples 1984, p. 243-249 (Italian).
  • Miklós Boskovits: A critical and historical corpus of Florentine painting . Sect. 3. The fourteenth century , Vol. IX The painters of the miniaturist tendency . Florence 1984.
  • Giovanna Lazzi: Ancora sulla bottega di Pacino: un messale miniato della Biblioteca nazionale di Firenze . In: Antichita viva: rassegna d'arte . tape XXXIII , no. 4 , 1994, pp. 5-8 (Italian).
  • Agostino Ziino, Francesco Zimei: Quattro frammenti inediti del disperso Laudario di Pacino di Bonaguida . In: Rivista italiana di musicologia . tape 34 , no. 1 , 1999, p. 3-46 (Italian).
  • Giusi Zanichelli: Pacino di Bonaguida: a protagonista della miniatura fiorentina . In: Alumina: pagine miniate . No. 18 , August 2007, p. 25-33 (Italian).
  • Laura Alidori Battaglia: Due manoscritti inediti della bottega di Pacino di Buonaguida . In: Rivista di storia della miniatura . tape XIII , 2009, p. 62-72 (Italian).
  • Raphaèle Preisinger: The picture as a threshold to the afterlife: to Pacino di Bonaguidas 'Lignum vitae' in the Accademia of Florence . In: Topologies of Images . Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-7705-4719-7 , pp. 267-283 .
  • Francesca Pasut: acino di Bonaguida e le miniature della 'Divina Commedia': un percorso tra codici poco noti . In: Francesca Pasut, Johannes Tripps (eds.): Da Giotto a Botticelli: pittura fiorentina tra Gotico e Rinascimento . Florence 2008, ISBN 978-88-09-06176-7 , pp. 41-62 (Italian).
  • Stella Panayotova: New Miniatures by Pacino di Bonaguida in Cambridge . In: The Burlington Magazine . tape CLI , no. 1272 , March 2009, p. 144-147 (English).
  • Daniele Guernelli: A new Manuscript for Pacino di Buonaguida . In: Manuscripta: A Journal for Manuscript Research . tape 55.2 , 2011, p. 192-204 (English).
  • Marco Horak: Pareri discordanti sull'attribuzione di una delicata Madonna con il Bambino di alta epoca: Pacino di Buonaguida, Lippo di Benivieni o il Maestro del Trittico Horne? In: Panorama Musei . Anno XVIII, No. 2 , 2013 (Italian).

Web links

Commons : Pacino di Buonaguida  - Collection of images, videos and audio files