Padre Pio (2000)

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Original title Padre Pio
Country of production Italy
original language Italian
Publishing year 2000
length 202 minutes
Director Carlo Carlei
script Carlo Carlei,
Massimo De Rita ,
Mario Falcone
production Angelo Rizzoli Jr.
music Paolo Buonvino
camera Gino Sgreva

Padre Pio is an Italian TV film about the Catholic priest Pio of Pietrelcina , also known as Padre Pio .


Part 1

On September 22, 1968, a Vatican inquisitor visits Padre Pio, who is sick . Numerous admirers are present to mark the 50th anniversary of Pios Stigmata ; the inquisitor, however, wants to find out the truth.

Even as a child, Padre Pio had frightening visions. But he feels his calling when he finds refuge in a church and a little later, through his powers, heals a sick child. Little Francesco soon tells his family that, like his friend, brother Camillo, he wants to become a monk. With great dedication, his parents, two poor farmers, enable him to study in the Capuchin order , in which Brother Camillo also works.

Francesco was given the religious name Pio von Pietrelcina. The visions that he experienced as a child are repeated in the order. Pio developed pneumonia with an unusually high fever. On a doctor's recommendation, he went to his birthplace Pietrelcina for a while , where his health improved and he worked as a priest.

When he feels doubts as to whether he is ready for God's plans, he experiences his first stigmata. He experiences visions of the devil who wants to prevent him from becoming a priest. Padre Pio soon learns that he can do confession, but that he has to leave home if he wants to continue working as a priest. But Padre Pio and the villagers manage to get him to stay in Pietrelcina; Padre Pio impresses his superior with the fact that he helps him with information that he cannot normally know.

When the First World War broke out , he was afraid of going to war, but was not drafted. When he is called back into the order, however, Satan calls on him in visions to save a woman named Raffaela Ceras, who is dying. She does not want the sacraments of death, only Pio's blessing; he tries in vain to save her life through prayer.

When his health deteriorated, he was taken to the Capuchin monastery of San Giovanni Rotondo . There he helps the poor and can tell the residents whether their relatives will survive an illness or whether they will return home from the war. When he despairs of the many poverty in the world, his visions and stigmata return. A medical examination cannot find any natural causes for the stigmata. The Vatican is skeptical of the reports; Padre Pio refuses to investigate. He makes a habit of putting on fingerless gloves. The bishop soon heard rumors that Padre Pio had a love affair with the young villager Cleonice Morcaldi.

The Inquisitor believes Padre Pio's statement that he will be exempt from the stigmata after 50 years is fraudulent. Thereupon Padre Pio bares his hands during a service in the presence of the Inquisitor. Padre Pio asks the inquisitor to hear his confession.

Part 2

As a young priest, he continues to have visions of Satan, who prophesies that he will soon lose a loved one. According to the doctor, Padre Pio has a hernia and needs an operation. Since Padre Pio refuses to leave the monastery, he is operated on in the monastery. He refuses to use anesthesia so that his stigma will not be examined during surgery. A little later, Padre Pio receives a visit from his mother, who dies shortly afterwards. Padre Pio remains at her grave for three days.

Since Father Pio's services last three hours, contrary to the instructions, he is no longer allowed to hold services or make confessions; Father Raffaele succeeds him. When he is kept in isolation in the monastery, he finds support from Cleonice and other villagers. Soon he can leave the monastery and go about his business.

Even during the Second World War , he was able to tell the villagers in advance whether their relatives would return from the battle in good health. Padre Pio initiates the construction of a hospital for the wounded of the war and strongly defends himself against the commercialization of himself.

One day he meets the young priest Karol Wojtyła , whom he predicts that one day he will become Pope. Padre Pio has also met the Inquisitor, which can only be explained by bilocation . A little later, Father Pio's father dies; Pio takes his confession from him. Satan, in turn, leads him to Cleonice in a vision to tempt him.

Shortly after the hospital opens, Padre Pio learns that the banker who invested the hospital's assets has gone bankrupt. Padre Pio refuses to use the hospital's existing assets to clean up the finances. During a service, Padre Pio heals a young woman possessed by Satan.

During his investigations, the inquisitor accuses him of further financial irregularities. He also subordinates Padre Pio to intimate relationships with women, including Cleonice. The inquisitor, in turn, rejects Pio's accusation of having equipped the priest's confessional with microphones.

Padre Pio admits to the inquisitor that he may have made mistakes and asks him for absolution. When he mentions that he does not want to die like the young soldier whom the Inquisitor refused absolution during the war, the Inquisitor regretted persecuting Padre Pio and gave him absolution.

After the visit of the inquisitor, Padre Pio declares to God that he is ready and dies a little later. In 1999, he is Pope John Paul II., The former priest Karol Wojtyla, beatified .


In 2001, Carlo Carlei won the Los Angeles Italian Film Awards in the Audience Award category .

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