Palazzo di San Callisto

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Palazzo di San Callisto - facade in Piazza Santa Maria

The Palazzo di San Callisto is a baroque palace in the Roman district of Trastevere and belongs to the extraterritorial area of ​​the Holy See . The palace stands in the central square of the district, the Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere, and is directly adjacent to the Church of Santa Maria in Trastevere .

In the courtyard of the palace is the fountain in which St. Calixt I ( San Callisto in Italian ) is said to have suffered his martyrdom .


The Palazzo di San Callisto to the left of Santa Maria in Trastevere, engraving by Giuseppe Vasi , mid-18th century

The palace was originally the seat of the Cardinal Priests of Santa Maria in Trastevere and was renovated by Cardinal Morone in the 16th century . Paul V converted the palace into a monastery belonging to the Church of San Callisto , which he gave to the Benedictines who had to move here because of the expansion of the Quirinal Palace . The monastery took over the name of the adjoining small church and has kept it to this day. 1610-1618 both the church and the monastery were renovated by Orazio Torrigiani . Its facade still dominates the Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere today. The wing to Piazza San Callisto was rebuilt in 1936 by Giuseppe Momo .

According to the Lateran Treaty signed in 1929, the entire palace area belongs to the Holy See .


The following facilities are housed in the Palazzo di San Callisto:

See also


Individual evidence

  2. ^ A b Claudio Rendina: Le Chiese di Roma , p. 57.
  3. Michele D'Innella: Guida Rossa Roma , p. 577.

Web links

Commons : Palazzo di San Callisto (Rome)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 41 ° 53 ′ 21.5 "  N , 12 ° 28 ′ 12.7"  E