Pantà de Riba-roja

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Pantà de Riba-roja
Pantà de Riba-roja.jpg
Location: SpainSpain Spain
Region of Catalonia and Aragon Region
Tributaries: Ebro , Segre ; Matarraña
Drain: Ebro
Larger places on the shore: Mequinenza
Larger places nearby: Riba-roja de Ebre
Pantà de Riba-roja (Catalonia)
Pantà de Riba-roja
Coordinates 41 ° 14 '36 "  N , 0 ° 25' 58"  E Coordinates: 41 ° 14 '36 "  N , 0 ° 25' 58"  E
Data on the structure
Height of the barrier structure : 60 m
Height above the river bed : 35 m
Height of the structure crown: 60 m
Building volume: 800,000 m³
Crown length: 362.4 m
Power plant output: 265 MW
Data on the reservoir
Water surface 2152 hadep1
Reservoir length 50 kmdep1
Reservoir width 500 mdep1
Storage space 210 million m³
Catchment area 80823 km²

The Pantà de Riba-roja ( Spanish Embalse de Ribarroja ) is a finished in 1969 Reservoir , whose dam in the Spanish region of Catalonia , Comarca Ribera d'Ebre , is whose storage but to the Aragonese province of Saragossa enough. It dams the river Ebro and its tributaries Segre and Matarraña . During the traffic jam, the town of Fayón sank into the lake and was rebuilt. The lake, which is used to generate electricity, is a well-known area for sport fishing.


Reservoir projects for the lower reaches of the Ebro go back to the beginning of the 20th century. A dam above the historic Fayón, which the American Frederick Pearson had planned, was not realized. After the Spanish Civil War , the projects for the Embalse de Mequinenza upstream and the Riba-roja dam were developed. Fayón sank down to the top of his church tower in the floods of the reservoir.


The reservoir is rich in fish and is known as a fishing area for European catfish and largemouth bass as well as for the endemic species of European eel , carp and tench .


Sara Rius García: Anàlisi dels embassaments de Flix i Riba-roja . In: Recerca i Talent Jove . Publicacions URV, Tarragona 2009. ISBN 978-84-8424-146-1 .

See also

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