Paolo Enrico Arias

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Paolo Enrico Arias (born July 17, 1907 in Vittoria ; died December 3, 1998 in Pisa ) was an Italian classical archaeologist .

Arias initially studied at the University of Naples before continuing his studies in Classical Philology and Archeology at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa and finishing in 1930 with the perfectionemento , a degree approaching a doctorate, introduced there a few years earlier . His academic teachers included Matteo Marangoni , Attilio Momigliano , Augusto Mancini and Biagio Pace , who had a particularly strong influence on him. The subject of his tesi di laurea was Il teatro greco fuori di Atene , the work was published in 1934.

After completing his studies, he initially worked as an assistant to Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli before joining the Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene , headed by Alessandro Della Seta as an assistant in 1932 - in addition to Pace, Bianchi Bandinelli and Della Seta were the people who worked on Arias' methodology and research approach most lasting influenced. This was followed by a series of activities in the Soprintendenza: as an inspector from 1934 at the Soprintendenza di Siracusa , from 1936 at the Soprintendenza di Roma , as a soprintendente (head) from 1939 in Reggio Calabria , from 1946 to 1954 in Bologna .

During this time he took up teaching positions at the Universities of Catania , Messina and Bologna before he was a full professor at the University of Catania from 1954 to 1961. In 1961 he followed the call to the University of Pisa , where he taught classical archeology and the history of art of antiquity. From 1962 he also taught at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, of which he was Vice Director 1966/67 and at which in 1966 he founded the Scuola Speciale per archeologi preistorici, classici e medievalisti, which he directed for many years .

During his time in Greece and as a soprintendent, he led numerous excavations, including on Lemnos , in Lokroi Epizephyrioi , Marzabotto , Medma , in Cavallino (a district of San Godenzo ), Sovana and Spina .

Arias covered the entire spectrum of ancient art in his art-historical research. Fundamental were his contributions to the research of Greek ceramics , including his collaboration on the Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum for Fascicle 1 of the series on Syracuse 1942 and Fascicle 1 of the series on Ferrara 1963 as well as his book A Thousand Years of Greek Vase Art (1960).

Paolo Enrico Arias was accepted as a member of the Accademia dei Lincei in 1990. He was also a member of the Academy of Sciences and Literature | Mainz.

Fonts (selection)

  • Il teatro greco fuori di Atene. Sansoni, Florence 1934
  • Mirone. Sansoni, Florence 1940
  • Dionigi il Vecchio. G. Crisafulli, Catania 1942
  • Civiltà locrese in Grecia e nella Magna Grecia. G. Crisafulli, Catania 1944
  • La Focide vista da Pausania. (Translation and commentary from Pausania's book 10). Two volumes. Società editrice internazionale, Catania 1946
  • Skopas. L'Erma, Rome 1952
  • Storiografia e fonti della storia greca. 1954
  • A thousand years of Greek vase art. Hirmer, Munich 1960
  • Storia della ceramica greca. Società editrice internazionale, Turin 1963
  • Policleto. Edizioni per il Club del libro, Milan 1964
  • Storia dell'archeologia. F. Vallardi, Milan 1967
  • L'arte della Grecia. Unione tipografico-editrice torinese, Turin 1967
  • La scultura greca. Silvana, Milan 1969
  • L'arte antica in Italia. Introduzione. Società editrice internazionale, Turin 1975
  • Quattro archeologi del nostro secolo: Paolo Orsi, Biagio Pace, Alessandro Della Seta, Ranuccio Bianchi-Bandinelli. Giardini, Pisa 1976
  • Camposanto monumentale di Pisa. Le antichità. In collaboration with Emilio Cristiani and Emilio Gabba. Pacini, Pisa 1977
  • L'anfora argentea di Porto Baratti. Istituto poligrafico e zecca dello stato, Rome 1986


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