Inland Navigation Parliamentary Group

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The parliamentary group inland navigation, PGBi of the German Bundestag exists since the 13th legislative period .

The main objective of the group is to develop the federal waterways to promote inland navigation. The PG inland navigation is thus one of two parliamentary groups in the German Bundestag that deals with inland navigation. In contrast to the parliamentary group Free Flowing Rivers , the PG inland navigation does not conduct any public relations work. Her focus is on lobbying with associations at German and European level. The PG inland navigation differs from the PG free-flowing rivers mainly in the requirement for an expansion of the Danube with barrages .

In the 19th legislative period of the German Bundestag there are 44 members of the PG inland navigation. The spokesmen for the cross-party group are Eckhard Pols (CDU / CSU), Mathias Stein (SPD) (also coordinator of the group), Andreas Mrosek (AfD), Bernd Reuther (FDP), Jörg Cezanne (left), Claudia Müller (Greens). In July 2019, at the invitation of the Federal Association of German Inland Shipping eV (BDB) and the Lower Rhine Chamber of Commerce and Industry , the members of the Bundestag traveled to Duisburg, the European inland shipping capital, to get an impression of the waterway infrastructure on site.

Individual evidence

  1. Inland navigation: good, efficient, ecological. German Bundestag, August 20, 2013, accessed on March 26, 2014 (Brief presentation of the Inland Navigation Parliamentary Group on the German Bundestag's website).
  2. ^ Eckhard Pols: press release. Eckhard Pols MdB, July 6, 2018, accessed on November 6, 2018 .
  3. Inland navigation parliamentary group visits Duisburg - members of the Bundestag inform themselves on site about the importance of inland navigation. Federal Association of German Inland Shipping eV, July 15, 2019, accessed on October 16, 2019 .
  4. Visiting the capital of inland shipping. Lower Rhine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, July 11, 2019, accessed on October 16, 2019 .