Parliamentary elections in Ethiopia 2000

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The parliamentary elections in Ethiopia in 2000 were the first parliamentary elections since the constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia came into force and at the same time the second general election.

The elections, in which the members of the Ethiopian parliament - more precisely the lower house (people 's house of representatives ) - as well as those of the regional parliaments of the individual states of Ethiopia were elected, were overshadowed by allegations of manipulation, as the ruling coalition of four regional parties, the Revolutionary Democratic Front of the Ethiopian Peoples ( EPRDF ), which quickly claimed victory and received nearly 88 percent of the 547 parliamentary seats.

The National Electoral Authority of Ethiopia organized the elections and set the date for the parliamentary elections to May 14, 2000. In the Somali region , the election continued until August 31, 2000. The turnout was 89.8 percent, as 19,607,841 of the 21,834,806 registered voters cast their votes.

People's House of Representatives

The results for the lower house of the national parliament were published by the Ethiopia National Electoral Authority in mid-June .

Coalitions and parties proportion of Seats
Revolutionary Democratic Front of the Ethiopian Peoples (EPRDF) 87.9% 481

183 146 112

Somali People's Democratic Party (allied with EPRDF) 3.5% 19th
other parties allied with the EPRDF 3.3% 18th
Opposition parties 2.9% 16
Non-attached 2.4% 13
total 100% 547

Regional Councils of State

The elections to the Regional Councils of State in 2000 were the first elections in Ethiopia in which the regional parliaments ( Regional Councils of State ) of the individual regions of Ethiopia were elected.

Addis Ababa City Council
Political party Seats (138)
Revolutionary Democratic Front of the Ethiopian Peoples 101
All-Amhara People's Organization 19th
Ethiopian Democratic Party 14th
Ethiopian Democratic Unity Party 1
Independent 3
Afar region
Political party Seats (87)
National Democratic Party of the Afar 84
Democratic Movement of the Argobba People 2
More independent 1
Political party Seats (294)
National Democratic Movement of the Amhars 286
Democratic organization of the Oromo people 8th
Political party Seats (80)
Democratic united front of the peoples of Benishangul-Gumuz 71
Independent 9
Political party Seats (53)
Democratic Movement of the Peoples of Gambellas 40
Gambela People's Democratic Congress 13
Political party Seats (537)
Democratic organization of the Oromo people 535
All-Amhara People's Organization 2
Region of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples
Political party Seats (348)
Walayta, Gamo, Gofa, Dawro and Konta People's Democratic Organization 85
Sidama People's Democratic Organization 54
Gurage Nationality Democratic Movement 50
Kafa Shaka People's Democratic Organization 27
Hadiya National Democratic Organization 21st
Gedeyo People's Revolutionary Democratic Front 21st
Kembata, Alabaa and Tembaro People's Democratic Organization 20th
South Omo People's Democratic Movement 18th
Bench Madji People's Democratic Organization 13
Democratic Front of the South Ethiopian Peoples 7th
Derashe People's Democratic Organization 4th
Hadiya People's Democratic Organization 4th
Democratic Alliance of the Peoples of South Ethiopia 4th
Silte People's Democratic Unity Party 3
Yem People's Democratic Unity Party 3
Kore Nationality Democratic Organization 3
Sidama Hadicho People's Democratic Organization 3
Konso People's Democratic Organization 3
Burgi People's Democratic Union 1
Other parties 4th
Somali region
Political party Seats (168)
Democratic Party of the Somali People 148
Western Somali Democratic Party 3
Somali Democratic Forces Coalition 3
Independent 14th

In Tigray, the Tigray People's Liberation Front won all 152 seats.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. African Elections Database : Elections in Ethiopia , accessed on May 23, 2010
  2. Parliamentary Chamber of Ethiopia: Elections held in 2000 PARLINE database (last accessed on October 20, 2009)