Paul Sacher Foundation

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Paul Sacher Foundation

The Paul Sacher Foundation in Basel ( Switzerland ) is an archive and research center for the music of the 20th and 21st centuries.


The foundation was founded in 1973 by the chemical industrialist ( Hoffmann-La Roche ), patron and conductor Paul Sacher . Her focus was initially on collecting musicians' bequests from the modern era, of which those of Igor Stravinsky and Anton Webern in particular were acquired. In the meantime the activities have diversified and the foundation has also acquired various older bequests, so that it does not only own music from the recent past and present.

The foundation and its employees are called in to provide advice worldwide with regard to contemporary music, its documentation or analytical research. The foundation, which also has extensive autograph material, supports musicological research by publishing research results. She regularly organizes exhibitions.

Collections, partial estates, estates and bequests (selection)


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