Paul Breuer (neo-Nazi)

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Paul Breuer (* 1972 in Cologne-Zollstock ; † August 19, 2019 ) was a German right-wing extremist and neo-Nazi .


For many years Paul Breuer was part of the violent part of the German neo-Nazi scene. In 1998 he was a founding member of the Walter Spangenberg Comradeship , which referred to the SA man Walter Spangenberg , who died in street fighting in 1933 and who was considered a " blood witness " by the NSDAP . The comradeship was a successor organization to the banned FAP and was banned on May 8, 2012. With their long-time leader and later neo-Nazi dropout Axel Reitz and the neo-Nazi cadre Christian Worch , Breuer worked for many years.

He was also a founding member of the Kampfbund Deutscher Sozialisten around Thomas Brehl , which, like the comradeship, referred to Michael Kühnen . It existed until 2008.

In May 1999, Breuer registered a demonstration in Cologne on behalf of the NPD that was directed against the Wehrmacht exhibition . The demonstration could only go 100 meters until it was pelted with eggs by counter-demonstrators.

In 2004 a provocative demo followed in the multi-ethnic district of Cologne-Kalk , in which Breuer was banned from both the demo motto “180 nations in Cologne are 179 too many” and the wearing of combat boots . Some of the 142 participants therefore had to walk in socks. The demonstration provoked massive counter-protests. In 2005 Breuer was the editor of a memorial for his idol Michael Kühnen.

In 2006 Breuer was arrested for anti-Semitic agitation and attack on a counter-demonstrator in a demo. He continued his right-wing extremist career in comradeship. He also supported the Mittelrhein Action Office in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler . He was among the 24 people arrested in March 2012 as part of a trial against the Action Office. He was released in January 2013.

After Walter Spangenberg was banned from comradeship in 2012, he joined the party Dierechte . He now mainly acted in Wuppertal, where he appeared as a battle talker. Together with Jan Fartas he appeared at various demonstrations under the banner of his organization Cologne for German Socialism . However, this organization degenerated into a laughing stock in the scene. After a few failed demonstrations, Breuer was largely isolated in the neo-Nazi scene. The last time he made a name for himself on April 17, 2017, when he and Fartas organized a demonstration in Cologne-Deutz with eleven neo-Nazis. The mini-demonstration was protected by a large contingent of 900 police officers.

He died on August 19, 2019 at the age of 47.


  • Michael Kühnen - Festschrift for the 50th birthday. Cologne 2005 (publisher; self-published)

Individual evidence

  1. Interior Minister forbids right-wing extremist comradeship Walter Spangenberg around neo-Nazi Axel Reitz. , WAZ , May 10, 2012
  2. a b c d e f g Deniz Akbay: NRW: The Cologne neo-Nazi Paul Breuer is dead. In: Belltower.News. Accessed December 8, 2019 (German).
  3. ^ "Comradeship Cologne". In: Cologne on the far right. Retrieved December 8, 2019 .
  4. a b Malfunction reporter: 900 police officers for 11 neo-Nazis in Cologne. April 17, 2017, accessed December 8, 2019 (German).