Paul Chemetov

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Paul Chemetov (born September 6, 1928 in Paris ) is a French architect and city ​​planner .


Chemetov studied architecture at the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts (ENSA) in Paris. After graduating in 1959, he went into business for himself. He worked on numerous projects in the field of urban development and architecture and designed large public projects and numerous social housing in the Paris suburbs .

Chemetov joined the Atelier d'Urbanisme et d'Architecture (AUA) agency founded by Jacques Allégret in 1961 . In 1976 he represented France at the Venice Biennale . Chemetov has had an architecture studio in Paris with Borja Huidobro since 1983.

From 1968 to 1972 he was professor of industrial architecture at the École d'Architecture de Strasbourg , since 1989 at the École nationale des ponts et chaussées and in 1993/94 as a visiting professor at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne .

He is the father of the landscape architect Alexandre Chemetoff .



Important buildings
(the date of completion is indicated)

  • 1980: Seat of the French Communist Party in Paris, together with Oscar Niemeyer
  • 1985: French Embassy ( New Delhi ), together with Borja Huidobro
  • 1985: Hallenviertel; western, underground part and design of the garden above (Paris)
  • 1988: Ministry of Economy and Finance , French Ministère de l'Économie et des Finances (Paris), together with Borja Huidobro
  • 1994: Renovation of the Grande Galerie des Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (Paris), together with Borja Huidobro
  • 1999: Meridienne Verte project for the turn of the millennium; Planting 10,000 trees on a line that follows the imaginary line of the " Meridian of Paris " from Dunkerque to Barcelona (France)
  • 1999: Renovation of the Tour de l'Illustration (Bobigny) together with Borja Huidobro

In July 2006 Chemetov was commissioned by the Conseil général de Vendée to build the Vendespace in the park of Mouilleron-le-Captif near La Roche-sur-Yon , a new sports center with a total area of ​​18,000 m².


  • 1976: Architectures - Paris 1848–1914 , with B. Marrey, exhibition catalog, 1976, Paris, revised reprint 1984, Editions Dunod
  • 1983: Paul Chemetov et Borja Huidobro. Cinq projets 1979-1982 , with Borja Huidobro, 1983, Paris, Electa Moniteur
  • 1989: Paris banlieue 1919-1939 , with B. Marrey et MJ Dumont, 1989, Paris, Editions Dunod
  • 1992: La fabrique des villes , 1992, Paris, Editions de l'Aube
  • 1993: Terrasses et textures , 1993, Saint-Benoit-du-Sault
  • 1995: Le territoire de l'architecte , 1995, Paris, Ed. Julliard
  • 1996: Vingt mille mots pour la ville , 1996, Paris, Ed. Flammarion
  • 2002: Un architecte dans le siècle , 2002, Paris, Moniteur
  • 2003: Mecano-factures , with B. Dorny, 2003, Paris


  • François Chaslin, Jean-Paul Robert: "Paul Chemetov, architectures 1964-2005", Paris, Editions Le Moniteur
  • F. Pousin-D. Driver: Paul Chemetov, Construire aujourd'hui , Paris, 1989, Dunod

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