Paul Jakob Müller

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Paul Jakob Müller (painter) pseudonym PAOLO (born April 8, 1894 in Bern , † February 18, 1982 in Bremgarten BE ) was a Swiss painter and draftsman with socially critical statements.


Paul Jakob Müller, von Villigen AG, was born on April 8, 1894 at Nydeggstalden 22 in Bern. His parents were Paul Ernst Müller, owner of a watch and jewelery shop at Kramgasse 14, and his wife, Friederike Bertha née Sauser, daughter of a shoemaker. His drawing teacher, Christian Baumgartner (1855–1942), encouraged his artistic talent even in secondary school. At the urging of his parents, he learned his father's trade and until 1936 ran his own workshops in various locations. In addition, from 1927 to 1939 Müller attended courses at the Bern Trade School, today Bern University of the Arts with Ernst Linck and Walter Reber (1893-1948). Thanks to a scholarship from the City of Bern, mediated by Mayor Ernst Bärtschi , Paul Müller was able to enroll at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière in Paris from 1937 to 1939. The time in Paris and the acquaintance with Frans Masereel shaped his future work. He found subjects among the workers and clochards under the bridges, and his pictures expressed his social sentiments. According to his own statement, role models were: Daumier, Steinlen, Zille, Kollwitz and others, primarily Frans Masereel . Back in Bern he joined the Society of Swiss Painters, Sculptors and Architects (GSMBA), today Visarte . From 1960 he lived with his fourth wife Louise Müller, nee. Eberhardt at Stuckishausstrasse 8, above the Neubrügg in Bremgarten BE . PAOLO , as Paul Müller called himself, had been an employee of the Bern Day Watch since the end of 1934 and subsequently advanced to become the draftsman of the weekly newspaper Die Nation (Switzerland) published by the trade unions . Paolo was head of the Migros painting school and the adult education center in Bern for over 10 years, and he also gave private painting courses in his studio at Kornhausplatz 14 in Bern. Federal Councilor Ernst Nobs was among his students from all walks of life . Paolo found the motifs and models for his pictures in the hostel to Heimat and during the war years with the unemployed, refugees and contract children. On trips to southern Italy and France, pleasing landscapes were later created. The main concern for the staunch social democrat was to portray social misery.

Müller's estate is in the Burger Library in Bern .


  • 1972: Bremgartener Kunstwochen Bremgarten BE
  • 1974: Anniversary exhibition for the 80th birthday of Bremgarten BE
  • 1977: Christmas exhibition at the Aargauer Kunsthaus
  • 1979: Anniversary exhibition for the 85th birthday in Bern-Elfenau.
  • 1981: Exhibition in the «Centro artistico svizzero» in Milan

Awards and honors

  • 1937: Scholarship from the city of Bern


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bern University of the Arts, ehm. School for Design Bern-Biel
  2. Interview with Paolo 1974 (page 7) (PDF; 9.8 MB)