Paul Kupka

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Paul Lorenz Bernhard Kupka (born September 2, 1866 in Guben ; † April 27, 1949 in Stendal ) was a German high school teacher , self-taught historian and prehistoric scientist .


Paul Kupka worked as a high school professor in Stendal between 1899 and 1931. There he was also director and scientific advisor of the Altmärkisches Museum . He dealt intensively with the history and prehistory of the Altmark and devoted himself particularly to the Neolithic , the Bronze Age , the Slavic Early Middle Ages and the Middle Ages . In 1910, Kupka coined the term Schönfeld culture . Kupka was the editor of the "Contributions to the history, regional and folklore of the Altmark" published between 1899 and 1941. In 1938, Kupka was elected a member of the Leopoldina . He was also a member of the Niederlausitz Society for Anthropology and Antiquity .


  • About the dramatic verse by Thomas Dekkers (1893)
  • About medieval dances of death. Investigations into their origins and their relationships (1905)
  • On the genesis of the medieval dances of death (1908)
  • The Altmark Slavs and their Germanization (1933)
  • On the history of the Stendal district. Part 1. The old county greaves (1935)
  • On the history of the Stendal district. Part 2. The districts belonging to the Vogtei Arneburg (1938)


  • Günter Wetzel : A forgotten Gubener - Paul Kupka (1866-1949). In: Niederlausitz Studies. Issue 37, Cottbus 2011, pp. 117–128 (with picture and further references)

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