Paul Lüönd

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Paul Lüönd

Paul Lüönd (born April 15, 1950 in Ingenbohl ; † April 3, 2014 ibid) was a Swiss Schwyzergerger and politician.

Paul & Rees

Musical career

Paul Lüönd, who comes from Ingenbohl, has played with the Schwyzerörgeli since 1968 . In the 1970s he was able to play several times with Rees Gwerder and got to know many pieces. From 1970 he also played with his brother Alois Lüönd as a Schwyzerörgeliduo. Alois Lüönd in particular was able to learn the old dances of Josef Stump from Martin Nauer , which Martin Nauer received from Balz Schmidig , who still played with Josef Stump himself. In 1976 the youngest brother, Daniel Lüönd, metthe bass. Thus the Schwyzerörgelitrio Mosibuebä was founded. The formation was strengthened to a Schwyzerörgeliquintett with Daniel Gwerder and Philipp Schuler. All dances by Josef Stump and Balz Schmidig as well as their own are only passed on from musician to musician with the ear. Notes were almost non-existent and could not be read at all. He also played with Retomons & Waschi GmbH and Zündhölzli-Musig. In March 2014, the Mosibuebä announced their dissolution because Paul Lüönd's health no longer allowed making music. Paul Lüönd died shortly afterwards. Reto Grab recorded almost all of the pieces in music books. Under the direction of Reto, Mosi-Musig + produced 2 CDs with Paul's music.

Political career

Paul Lüönd was Ingenbohl's representative of SVP in the Cantonal Council of Schwyz . He was succeeded by his daughter Cornelia for 8 years.


Paul Lüönd grew up with three brothers at Mosi in Ingenbohl in the canton of Schwyz . He worked as a machinist from 1972 until his retirement at the Auf der Maur company in Schwyz . He was married and had two children. Paul Lüönd died on April 3, 2014 after a serious illness.



  • 1981 MC / LP
  • 1982 MC / LP together with the Wöschbrettbänd
  • 1983 MC / LP
  • 1991 "Schwingä and Örgälä in the Alpstübli" (15th anniversary)
  • 1999 "Örgelimusig from 1911 - 1999"
  • 2004 "Diänigs usem Schwyzerbiet"
  • 2006 "30 years of Mosibuebä"
  • 2013 "Vo Frühener bis Hüt"

There are also several CDs that contain the Mosibuebä with individual titles.

Audio samples Mosibuebä

Compositions by Paul Lüönd (selection)

Albert's birthday fäscht, Bi ruch und guät, Biemscht-Chuächä & Greubi-Chrapfä, Bim Pius uf em Urmiberg, Bim Xaveri im Täli, Black Finger, Chilbimorgä im Alperösli, Cornelia, De Banjo-Otti, Edith and Stefan Schaller, Einzug der Greifler in Bulle, Comrade Gnos, Häppy's Alka-Seltzer, He du Leni, Heinz Eggenberger-Marsch, Heja Volvo, Hudli-Demokratie, Is Tobitschä z'Ingenbohl, James uf dr Näbelfahrt, Kilchberg winner Eugen Hasler, Der kleine Andreas, Kranzschwinger Andreas Lüönd, Retomons and Waschi GmbH, Richard Jackson, Stöösler Nachtläbe, Strudeli and Strätteli z'Bellinzona, SVP Cantonal Councilor, s'Wellgruebi-Tänzli, Trochä Feuserlä, Üsä Werner z'Morschach, father Bodmer-Marsch, Zoll vom Hochmoor, Zürcher / Schmidig-Örgeli, Ä fulä Hund, Am Feldweg, Am Leewasser, De Prediger, Dr Eggälär, Fit mit Fynn, Ambri Fan-Club Muotathal, Brunner Hobby-Schäfer, Daniel Gwerder-Marsch, David's Mosi-Bar ufem Stoos, De Hermann gahd dur d'Chälä ufä, Elin Sandra, In the dog zoo, Mosi-Nord, Landschriber Schibig, Manuela and Martin in Canada, Stockäntä-Scottish, Top Secret, Thomas Scherrer-Scottish, Trychler-Freud, Über Wylen, Vater's Tesinger-Trychlä, z'Ingenbohl there isch eim probably, z'ringelume, Zwärggeissä-Polka.

Web links

Commons : Paul Lüönd  - Collection of images, videos and audio files