Paul Molitor (computer scientist)

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Paul Molitor (born December 26, 1959 in Luxembourg ) is a university professor for the field of computer science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg .


He studied computer science and mathematics at Saarland University (diploma 1982, doctorate 1986, habilitation 1992). After his diploma, he worked at the chair of his doctoral supervisor Günter Hotz as a research assistant (1982–1991) and project manager (1991–1994) in the special research area 124 VLSI design methods and parallelism affiliated to the University of Saarland and the University of Kaiserslautern . In 1993 he was appointed professor for circuit technology at the Humboldt University in Berlin . Molitor has held the chair for computer engineering at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg since 1994 .

Molitor's professional interests are diverse and go far beyond the field of technical informatics, especially the formal verification of systems. They also include the area of combinatorial optimization and the area of eHumanities . He is the author or co-author of more than 100 scientific papers.

Molitor has been Executive Director of the Institute for Computer Science since 1994, intermittently. He was also the founding director of the University Center for Computer Science at Martin Luther University, which he headed from 2000 to 2006. From 2003 to 2010 he was elected and has been a representative member of the Academic Senate of Martin Luther University since 2010 .

Since 2005 he has been a member of the selection committee for the dissertation award of the Society for Computer Science and since 2009 a member of the study committee of the Faculty Conference on Computer Science.

As co-editor of the magazine it − Information Technology at Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag , the oldest German-language magazine in the field of information technology , he was its main editor from 2003 to 2018. He also translated into German for this publisher, edited and updated the standard work “Introduction to Algorithms”, which has so far appeared in four editions.

Molitor is privately involved in sports; from September 2005 to June 2012 he was chairman of the basketball section of the USV Halle . He is married and has two grown children.


As a running gag, his lectures always contain a few slides on culture-specific aspects of Luxembourg . This question time is reserved for questions and, if there is no need, is filled with a historical anecdote.

selected Writings


  • M. Pöckelmann, J. Ritter and P. Molitor. Word Mover's Distance applied to paraphrase extraction in ancient Greek. In: C. Schubert, P. Molitor, J. Ritter, J. Scharloth and K. Sier (editors): Platon Digital. Tradition and reception. Digital Classics Books 3. pp. 45-60. Propylaeum Specialized Information Service Classical Studies. Heidelberg University Library 2019.
  • M. Pfuhl, J. Ritter, and P. Molitor. Finding the redundant gates in reversible circuits. In: Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Reversible Computation (RC 2018), Leicester, UK, September 13-14, 2018.
  • T. Bremer, P. Molitor, M. Pöckelmann, J. Ritter, S. Schütz. On the use of digital methods in the creation and use of genetic editions of printed texts with different versions - the case study of the Histoire philosophique des deux Indes by Guillaume Thomas Raynal. In: Editio, Internationales Jahrbuch für Editionswissenschaften, Volume 29, Issue 1, pp. 29–51, de Gruyter, 2015.
  • A. Medek, J. Ritter, P. Molitor, and S. Koesser. Interactive Similarity Analysis of Early New High German Text Variants. Digital Humanities, DH2015, Sydney, Australia, 29.6. - 3.7.2015.
  • M. Pöckelmann, A. Medek, P. Molitor, and J. Ritter. CATview - Supporting The Investigation Of Text Genesis Of Large Manuscripts By An Overall Interactive Visualization Tool. Digital Humanities, DH2015, Sydney, Australia, 29.6. - 3.7.2015.
  • A. Fischer, F. Fischer, G. Jäger, J. Keilwagen, P. Molitor, I. Grosse. Computational Recognition of RNA Splice Sites by Exact Algorithms for the Quadratic Traveling Salesman Problem. Computation 3 (2): 285-298 (2015)
  • V. Hildenbrandt, Roland S. Kamzelak , P. Molitor, and J. Ritter. "In the center of a network [...] of spiritual threads". Development and research of thematic relationships in heterogeneous corpora. In database spectrum 15 (1): "Information management for digital humanities", A. Henrich, G. Heyer, Ch. Schlieder and Th. Härder (eds.), 49-55 (2015)
  • M. Andert, F. Berger, J. Ritter, and P. Molitor. Optimized platform for capturing metadata of historical correspondences. Literary and Linguistic Computing 2014; doi: 10.1093 / llc / fqu027.
  • C. Ernst, C. Dong, D. Richter, G. Jäger, and P. Molitor. Finding Good Tours for Huge Euclidean TSP Instances by Iterative Backbone Contraction. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management (AAIM'10), LNCS 6124, July 19-21 2010, Weihai, China.
  • S. Wefel and P. Molitor: Client Hardware-Token Based Single Sign-On Over Several Servers Without Trusted Online Third Party Server. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Security and Assurance (ISA), Advances in Information Security and Its Application, June 25-27 2009, Seoul, Korea. Communications in Computer and Information Science Series, CCIS 36, pp. 29-36, Springer-Verlag.
  • L. Heinrich-Litan and P. Molitor. Least Upper Bounds for the Size of OBDDs using Symmetries. In: IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol 49, no. 4, pp.360-368, April 2000.
  • R. Drechsler, P. Molitor, D. Möller, and Chr. Scholl. BDD Minimization Using Symmetries. In: IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Circuits and Systems, CAD-18 (2): 81-100, February 1999.


  • Charlotte Schubert, Paul Molitor, Jörg Ritter, Joachim Scharloth and Kurt Sier (eds.): Platon Digital - Tradition and Reception (=  Digital Classics Books . Volume 3 ). Propylaeum, 2019, ISBN 978-3-947450-41-1 , doi : 10.11588 / propylaeum.451 ( online at Heidelberg University Library [accessed January 20, 2020]).
  • P. Molitor and J. Ritter. VHDL compact course with many illustrative examples. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag Munich 2013, ISBN 978-3-486-71292-6 .
  • B. Becker and P. Molitor: Technical Computer Science - An introductory presentation. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-486-58650-3 .
  • B. Becker, R. Drechsler and P. Molitor: Technical Computer Science - An Introduction. Pearson Studies Munich, 2005, ISBN 3-8273-7092-2 .
  • P. Molitor and J. Ritter: VHDL - An introduction. Pearson Studies Munich, 2004, ISBN 3-8273-7047-7 .
  • P. Molitor and J. Mohnke: Equivalence Checking of Digital Circuits. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston / Dordrecht / London, 2004, ISBN 1-4020-7725-4 .
  • P. Molitor and Chr. Scholl. Data structures and efficient algorithms for the logic synthesis of combinational circuits. BG Teubner, Stuttgart / Leipzig 1999, ISBN 3-519-02945-6 .
  • R. Kolla, P. Molitor and H.-G. East courtyard. Introduction to VLSI design. BG Teubner, Stuttgart 1989, ISBN 3-519-02273-7 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Publications. Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg , accessed on January 22, 2020 .
  2. according to the publisher ( . Algorithms - An Introduction De Gruyter , accessed on 18 January 2020 . ): Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald Rivest, and Clifford Stein: Algorithms - An Introduction . De Gruyter, 2017, ISBN 978-3-11-052201-3 .