Paul Mulzer

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Paul Mulzer (born May 8, 1880 in Ludwigsstadt , Northern Bavaria , † February 5, 1947 ) was a German dermatologist and professor at the University of Hamburg .


During his studies Paul Mulzer became a member of the Germania Erlangen fraternity . After a doctorate (1905) and habilitation (1912), he took over the newly created chair for dermatology at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf in 1924 . Under him extensive expansions were made in the dermatological clinic (serological and histological laboratory, photo laboratory). Mulzer wrote numerous basic books, mostly on venereal diseases. In addition, he examined pigment formation "for the recognition of races and racial influences".


In 1918 Mulzer belonged to a volunteer corps . He had been in the NS-Ärztebund since 1931, in the Combat League for German Culture and in the SA since 1932 . In February 1933 he joined the NSDAP . Later he was also a member of the Nazi Lecturer Association . In 1933 he signed the confession of professors at German universities and colleges about Adolf Hitler . In 1940 he was a member of the Senate of the NSDAP's Colonial Medical Academy . Also in 1940 he was elected a member of the Leopoldina . In 1941 he demanded that Hungary should not become a “nature reserve for Jews”. In 1943, he filed a complaint because of defeatism against known as political opponents of the Nazi regime professor of pediatrics Rudolf Degkwitz that to seven years in prison was sentenced.

post war period

Mulzer was given leave of absence on May 22, 1945 and released on July 2, 1945 by order of the British military government for anti-Semitic statements and for his behavior towards Degkwitz. He was banned from practicing a doctor's office . Mulzer died on February 5, 1947.


  • Practical instructions for the biological diagnosis of syphilis (detection of spirochetes, Wassermann reaction). Berlin 1910.
  • Compendium of skin and venereal diseases. Enke, Stuttgart 1913.
  • More recent results of the experimental syphilis research, negotiations of the German dermatological society, 13th congress, held in Munich 20. – 24. May 1923. In: Arch. Dermatol. Syph. Volume 145, 1924, pp. 243-249.
  • Diagnosis and therapy of gonorrheic diseases in general practice. Bergmann, Munich 1924.
  • with Franz Mraček, Albert Jesionek : Atlas and outline of skin diseases. 5th edition. Lehmanns, Munich 1924.
  • You too have to know! Up-to-date considerations on venereal diseases, their dangers, control and prevention. Behre, Hamburg 1926. 2nd edition 1929.
  • Gonorrhea in general practice. Barth, Leipzig 1939.


Individual evidence

  1. Willy Nolte (Ed.): Burschenschafter Stammrolle. List of members of the German Burschenschaft according to the status of the summer semester 1934. Berlin 1934. P. 343.

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