Paul Valadier

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Paul Valadier SJ (born January 13, 1933 in Saint-Étienne , Loire department , France ) is a French Jesuit , theologian and philosopher .


Paul Valadier joined the religious order of the Jesuits and studied philosophy at the Sorbonne and philosophy at the Jesuit College in Lyon -Fourvière in Lyon. In 1970 he became professor for moral and political philosophy at the Jesuit University Center Sèvres in Paris, whose dean from 1974. In 1974 he received his doctorate at the University of Paris X with the philosophical thesis "Nietzsche and the critic of Christianity" under Paul Ricœur . He was also a senior lecturer at the Institut d'études politiques de Paris from 1979 to 1989 . In 1990 he became a professor at the Catholic University of Lyon , where he also received his doctorate in theology in 1993.

Valadier was the long-time editor of the "Archives of Philosophy" and from 1980 to 1989 editor-in-chief of the Catholic magazine "Études". He was one of the signatories of the Cologne declaration “Against incapacitation - for open catholicity”, on the basis of which he was dismissed as editor-in-chief in 1989. In 2009 he was a signatory of the “Appeal of Catholic Intellectuals” in the weekly “La Vie”, with which Catholic France campaigned for Pope Benedict XVI. pronounces.

He was considered an expert on the life and work of Friedrich Nietzsche .

His most important works include "L'Anarchy des valeurs: le relativisme est-il fatal?" (The anarchy of values, 1997), "La condition chrétienne: du monde sans en être" (The Christian condition / the Christian state, 2003 ), “Un Christianisme d'Avenir” (The Future of Christianity, 1998), “Éloge De La Conscience” (Praise of Consciousness 1994), “Inévitable morale” (Inevitable Morale 1990) and “Nietzsche et la Critique du christianisme” ( Nietzsche and the Critique of Christianity 1974).


  • Nietzsche et la Critique du christianisme , Cerf (Cogitatio fidei), Paris, 1974
  • Essai sur la modernité: Nietzsche et Marx , Ed. Cerf et Desclée, Paris, 1974
  • Un christianisme au présent , Ed. Cerf et Desclée, Paris, 1977
  • Des repères pour agir , Desclée de Brouwer-Bellarmin, Paris, 1977
  • Jésus-Christ ou Dionysos, La foi chrétienne en confrontation avec Nietzsche , Desclée, Paris, 1979
  • Agir en politique , Cerf, coll. Recherches morales, Paris, 1980
  • L'Église en procès , Calmann-Lévy, et Flammarion, coll. Champs, Paris, 1989
  • Nietzsche, l'Athée de rigueur , Desclée de Brouwer, Paris, 1989
  • Inévitable morale , Seuil, coll. Esprit, Paris, 1990
  • Lettres à un chrétien impatient , La Découverte, Paris, 1991
  • Éloge de la conscience , Seuil, coll. Esprit, Paris, 1994
  • Machiavel et la Fragilité du politique , Seuil, coll.Points essais, Paris, 1996
  • L'Anarchy des valeurs: le relativisme est-il fatal? , Albin Michel, Paris, 1997
  • La foi dans le temps du risque (collaboration sous la direction de Adolphe Gesché et Paul Scolas), cerf, Paris, 1997
  • Nietzsche: cruauté et noblesse de droit , Michalon, coll.Le bien commun Paris, 1998
  • Un christianisme d'avenir, Pour une nouvelle alliance entre raison et foi , Seuil, Paris, 1999
  • L'Église en procès , Flammarion, coll.Camps n ° 199, Paris, 1999
  • Nietzsche l'intempestif , Beauchesne, coll.Le grenier à sel, Paris, 2000
  • Morale en désordre. Un plaidoyer pour l'homme , Le Seuil, Paris, 2002
  • La condition chrétienne. Du monde sans en être , Le Seuil, Paris, 2003
  • Jésus-Christ ou Dionysos (réédition), Desclée, Paris, 2004
  • Le temps des conformismes. Journal de l'année 2004 , Le Seuil, Paris, 2005
  • Un philosophe peut-il croire? , Editions Cécile Defaut, Paris, 2005
  • Détresse du politique, force du religieux , Le Seuil, Paris, 2007
  • Maritain à contre-temps, Politique et valeur , Desclée de Brouwer, Paris, 2007
  • Du spirituel en politique , Christ Collection, Bayard, Paris, 2008

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "Document - Downsides of a Pontificate" (PDF; 69 kB)
  2. Jürg Altwegg: “Auschwitz denial. Benedict and the arsonists ” , FAZ , January 29, 2009