Permanent gas

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As a permanent gases or permanent gases is now known mainly in the gas analysis , a group of gases , mainly hydrogen , oxygen and nitrogen are attributed, more rarely, methane , carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide .

Origin of the term

The term was apparently coined slowly at the beginning of the 19th century for the group of all gases, which can not pass through the then-known techniques liquefy or in the solid state of aggregation could convict. At this time, many natural scientists tried to subject the gases that had not been isolated for a long time (1766 hydrogen by Henry Cavendish , oxygen and nitrogen 1772 by Carl Wilhelm Scheele ) to various chemical and physical experiments in order to find out more about their properties. This also included attempts at condensation . Gases that resisted liquefaction (or other conversions) were initially called permanent gases . For example, Lavoisier put it in 1803:

“So there are a certain number of substances which, in such degrees of warmth that come very close to those in which we live, are transformed into air-like liquids. We shall soon see that there are others [...] who persist constantly in the airy state with the ordinary degree of warmth and pressure of the atmosphere. "

In the textbook of pure chemistry of 1824 the following definition is given:

“[...] a big difference [is] that the steady or drip-liquid bodies which have passed into the gaseous state through heat can also return to the steady or drip-liquid state under certain circumstances, while there are other gaseous bodies which by themselves in no other form of cohesion are known to us, and which [their] properties are retained under all circumstances, especially in the greatest cold and under the greatest external pressure. We call these permanent, permanent types of air or gas; those, in contrast to these, unstable types of air or gas. "

Berzelius finally wrote in the Chemistry Textbook in 1833 :

“It should also be noted that many bodies have taken on which gaseous form, neither by cooling, nor by pressing them together, nor by putting both together, brought back to liquid or solid form, or separated from their heat. Such bodies are called permanent or permanent gases; Examples of this provide the oxygen gas, nitrogen gas, hydrogen gas, uma "

In the period between 1823 and 1845, Michael Faraday succeeded in liquefying many gases with increasingly developed equipment, including chlorine , sulfur dioxide , hydrogen sulfide , nitrogen monoxide and ammonia . The liquefaction of the permanent gases nitrogen and oxygen only reached Pictet and Cailletet in 1877 independently of each other. Hydrogen could not even be liquefied by Dewar until 1898 . The classic definition of the term permanent gases thus became obsolete.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ AF Holleman , E. Wiberg , N. Wiberg : Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry . 101st edition. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 1995, ISBN 3-11-012641-9 .
  2. Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, Sigismund Friedrich Hermbstädt: System of anti-inflammatory chemistry. Friedrich Nicolai Berlin and Stettin, 1803 ( full text in the Google book search), p. 47.
  3. ^ Carl Gustav Bischof: Textbook of pure chemistry. Eduard Weber Bonn, 1824 ( full text in the Google book search), p. 161.
  4. Jöns Jacob Berzelius: Textbook of Chemistry. Christoph Arnold Dresden and Leipzig, 1833 ( full text in the Google book search), p. 49.
  5. ^ T. O'Conor Sloane, Liquid Air and the Liquefication of Gases, Constable And Company Limited, London, 1920, pp. 106, 112 and 114, available at [1]
  6. T. O'Conor Sloane, Liquid Air and the Liquefication of Gases, Constable And Company Limited, London, 1920, p. 184, available at [2]
  7. T. O'Conor Sloane, Liquid Air and the Liquefication of Gases, Constable And Company Limited, London, 1920, p. 155, available at [3]
  8. T. O'Conor Sloane, Liquid Air and the Liquefication of Gases, Constable And Company Limited, London, 1920, p. 280, available at [4]