Persepolis (mythology)

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Persepolis ( Greek  Περσέπολις ) or Perseptolis (Greek Περσέπτολις ) is a person of Greek mythology .

He is the son of Telemachus and the Polycaste , daughter of Nestor , but is also called the son of Telemachus and Nausicaa .

The news that Persepolis' mother is Nausicaa may have been confused with Ptoliporthos . This son of Telemachus and Nausicaa was named after the epithet of Odysseus .



  1. Hesiod in Eustathios of Thessalonike , Commentary on Homer's Odyssey 1796, 93.
  2. Aelia Eudocia 77, 131.
  3. Hellanikos of Lesbos ; Aristotle with Eustathios of Thessalonike.
  4. ^ Otto Höfer: Persepolis 1 . In: Extensive encyclopedia of Greek and Roman mythology .