Peter Burckhardt

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Peter Burckhardt (born August 25, 1742 in Basel ; † March 24, 1817 there ) was a Swiss politician.


Peter Burckhardt came from an old Basel patrician family and, as the son of Hans Balthasar Burckhardt (1703–1773), a merchant, was a member of the "Thirteen" (the politically influential body made up of nine members elected by the Small Council and the four rulers of the city ) and the delegate of the Diet and Valeria Beck (1710–1768). He was a great-grandson of Johann Balthasar Burckhardt (April 3, 1642 in Basel, † May 4, 1722 ibid), from 1705 to 1722 mayor of Basel. His sister was Valeria Burckhardt (1730–1795), married to Hans Rudolf Frey (1722–1798), an accounting counselor. In 1761 Peter Burckhardt took over his father's silk ribbon manufacturing company. He was a member of various domestic and foreign Masonic lodges , among other things he was a member of the lodge “ Zur Freundlichkeit und Stacity” in Basel, which was first called “Amité et Constance” and, under his leadership, changed to the German language and gave itself its current name.

In 1772 he was elected to the Basel Grand Council and from 1784 to 1798 he was a thirteen member of the Basel Small Council . In the period from 1772 to 1796 he was the delegate of the Diet and during this time he was made chief guild master in 1789. In 1790 he was elected mayor of Basel and he only gave up the office when he became a member of the Basel National Assembly in 1798 at the time of the Helvetic Republic. In 1803 he was re-elected to the Grand Council and from 1811 he was again in the Small Council. In the period from 1811 to 1815 he was re-elected Mayor of Basel. In 1812 he became Landammann of Switzerland . Two years before his death, he retired from all public office.

He was married to Anna (born January 3, 1743 in Basel; † July 28, 1808 ibid), a daughter of Dietrich Forcart (1713–1798) from the Mayenfels estate, Basel councilor and town clerk. They had five children together:

  • Hans Balthasar Burckhardt (1762–1824), businessman and councilor, married to Anna Elisabeth De Bary (1765–1816);
  • Helena Burckhardt (1765–1840), married to Johann Jakob Bachofen (1755–1828), ribbon manufacturer, acquired the White House in Basel in 1811 ;
  • Johann Rudolf Burckhardt (1768–1833), businessman, married to Susanna Reber (1777–1819);
  • Anna Maria Burckhardt (1770–1792), married to Samuel Ryhiner (1766–1847), President of the Court of Appeal;
  • Dietrich Burckhardt (1772–1835), Councilor, married to Salome Hoffmann (1776–1847).


Together with Johann Friedrich Münch , Andreas Buxtorf, JR Forcart, Andreas Merian and Jakob Sarasin , he was a co-founder of the Society for the Promotion of the Good and the Charitable in Basel .


  • Brieven van Peter Burckhardt (1742–1817), schreven aan Rijklof Michael van Goens (1748–1810) . Basel: Mayenfels, 1788–1793.
  • Brieven van Rijklof Michael van Goens (1748-1810), schreven aan Peter Burckhardt (1742-1817) . Basel 1791–1792.
  • Letter from Peter Burckhardt (1742–1817), written to Baron Christian von Münch . 1792.
  • Letter from Peter Burckhardt (1742–1817), written to Andreas Buxtorff (1740–1815) . 1792.
  • Peter Burckhardt, Hans Georg Stehlin: Salutation from JW, Mayor Peter Burckhardt, to the Committees of town and country citizens at their solemn introduction to the assembly of the Great Council, go on 29th July 1798. Answer from citizen JG Stehlin, v. Benken in the name of d. Committees d. Landscape - Members d. Commission of the XXX. Basel 1798.
  • Peter Burckhardt, R. Ritter: Announcement d. Municipality u. Community Chamber d. City of Basel regarding re-establishment d. Rain in their rights u. Privileges: Basel, September 27, 1802. Basel 1802.
  • Salutation Sr. Excellency of the Landammann of Switzerland, Mr. Peter Burckhardt, Mayor of the Canton of Basel at the opening of the general federal assembly of the 1st fallow month of 1812. Basel: J. Schweighauser, 1812.
  • Joy, hope, wish in some choirs and alternating chants Mr. Peter Burckhardt, Landammann of the Swiss Federal State at the entrance of the d. Directorial year 1812. 1812.
  • Peter Burckhardt, Theodor Falkeisen, Karl Renz: Conversation about the history of Basel, from 1357 to 1400: To hold in the public doctorate of the high school students in Burg. Basel: Felix Schneider, 1815.


Individual evidence

  1. Philipp Sarasin : Burckhardt, Peter. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . April 10, 2003 . Retrieved June 27, 2018.
  2. On Friendship and Persistence - History. Retrieved June 27, 2018 .
  3. ^ Hof Mayenfels 15. Accessed June 25, 2018 .
  4. ^ Line Hieronymus Burckhardt. Retrieved June 25, 2018 .
  5. I17018: Johann Jakob Bachofen (1755-1828). Retrieved June 25, 2018 .
  6. ^ Karl Schefold: The religion of the archaeologist JJ Bachofen. Publishing house of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, 1987, accessed on June 25, 2018 .
  7. August von Miaskowski: The Society for the Promotion of the Good and the Charitable in Basel during the first hundred years of its existence: Festschrift for the secular celebration written on behalf of the board . S. 9. Schweighauserische Buchdruckerei, 1877 ( [accessed on February 17, 2019]).