Peter Plichta

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Peter Plichta (born October 21, 1939 in Remscheid ) is a German chemist , pharmacist and author .

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Peter Plichta studied chemistry in Cologne , took off in 1966 his diploma and in 1970 with a dissertation on silanes ( "Preparative and spectroscopic studies to represent Disilanyl- and Digermanylverbindungen and germane materials" ) under Franz Fehér at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the University of Cologne doctorate . In 1977 he obtained the license to practice as a pharmacist .

Plichta's technical concepts include an aircraft that is similar in shape to a discus . According to Plichta, this concept is intended to replace the multi-stage propulsion principle that is common today in space travel , which is only capable of transporting very low payloads (around 4 percent for Ariane 5 ). According to his book Gasoline from Sand , the "single-stage" approach to low -earth orbit is possible because the fuel that Plichta discovered (see below) burns not only in oxygen , but also in nitrogen , and therefore no oxidizing agent has to be carried in the earth's atmosphere.

Peter Plichta has applied for patents on some of his developments in several countries , including the USA . His draft was rejected by experts. To date, no serious attempt has been made to implement it.

In the 1970s, Plichta began to deal with the synthetic production of fuel from silicon , especially from sand . Plichta claims to have been the first to synthesize stable, longer-chain so-called "higher" silanes . Despite Plichta's publication activity on this topic (main work: "Gasoline from Sand. The Silane Revolution"), his research has so far received no lasting response from the specialist world and from automobile manufacturers. In one of the few reviews of the work in a specialist journal, Plichta's proposal for the Silane Revolution is described as an “original proposal” and the question is asked whether it could be “... resilient or even serious?”. The book informs the reader "... in a peculiar mixture of self-confidence, misunderstood genius, know-it-all and tearfulness about self-chosen highlights ..." and follows a logic in its interpretations inaccessible to the reviewer. Even if it wasn't clear what the work was supposed to do, it would have a certain appeal.

Peter Plichta has been publishing his reflections on his worldview since 1991. He would like to describe the physical-chemical reality based on number-theoretical and number- mystical considerations, with prime numbers in particular playing an important role. He claims to have made quantum mechanics obsolete with his work :

“This approach replaces the whole house of cards in modern natural science, quantum mechanics, with exact mathematics. Their structure is Euclidean and based on the decimal system, the only possible number system in nature. "

Plichta claims to have mathematically "proven" his theory . He thus categorically rules out indeterminism :

“For every theory that is based on random occurrences, the end is heralded at one stroke. Einstein must have guessed it. "

The Big Bang Theory rejects Plichta. He advocates an alternative explanation for the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin in the blood .

The chemists Jan CA Boeyens and Demetrius C. Levendis have referenced Plichta in their work Number Theory and the Periodicity of Matter . Just like Plichta they try to replace modern quantum physics with elementary number theoretic considerations, but in contrast to Plichta they do not question the general theory of relativity , in which space is not Euclidean, and do not see an excellent role for the decimal system ( The specification of common numbers in decimal notation is almost certainly a remnant of counting practice using a ten-finger base ). Peter Plichta has appeared as a discussion partner at since 2011 and at the Alpine Parliament Congress in 2013 .


  • The prime number cross. Volume I: In the labyrinth of the finite . Quadropol, Düsseldorf, 1991, ISBN 3-9802808-0-2 .
  • The prime number cross. Volume II: The Infinite . Quadropol, Düsseldorf, 1991, ISBN 3-9802808-1-0 .
  • The prime number cross. Volume III: The 4 Poles of Eternity (5th book) . Quadropol, Düsseldorf 1998, ISBN 3-9802808-2-9 .
  • The prime number cross. Volume III: The 4 Poles of Eternity (Part 2, 6th Book) . Quadropol, Düsseldorf 2004, ISBN 3-9802808-3-7 .
  • God's secret formula. Deciphering the world puzzle and the prime number code . Langen Müller , Munich 1995, ISBN 3-7844-2749-9 .
  • Gasoline from sand. The silane revolution . Langen Müller, Munich 2001, ISBN 3-7844-2833-9 .
  • About the mathematical coding of matter , in: Der Prüfingenieur - Journal of the Federal Association of Testing Engineers for Structural Engineering (vpi), April 2004, pp. 19–27, (PDF 1.0 MB, 76 pp.).
  • P. Plichta / E. Kirgis / S. Queckbörner: The arithmetic construction plan of the universe , in: raum & zeit No. 133, Ehlers Verlag 2005.

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Individual evidence

  1. Peter Plichta: Preparative and spectroscopic investigations for the representation of disilanyl and digermanyl compounds and germanium hydrogen , dissertation, University of Cologne, 1970.
  2. ^ Theoretical Chemistry Genealogy Project: Biography of Franz Fehér , accessed November 30, 2012.
  3. Boy Cornils: Book Review: Gasoline from Sand. The silane revolution. By Peter Plichta . In: Angewandte Chemie . tape 114 , 2002, pp. 1503-1504 , doi : 10.1002 / 1521-3757 (20020415) 114: 8 <1503 :: AID-ANGE1503> 3.0.CO; 2-0 ( PDF ).
  4. ^ Des prime number cross , entry in the catalog of the German National Library
  5. Abstract to The Prime Number Cross - Volume 2 - The Infinite
  6. a b Abstract on God's secret formula
  7. a b search results. Alpine Parliament , accessed on August 7, 2013 .
  8. ^ Jan CA Boeyens, Demetrius C. Levendis: Number Theory and the Periodicity of Matter . Springer Netherlands, 2008, ISBN 978-1-402-06659-7