Peter Chrysologus

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Petrus Chrysologus (* around 380 in Classis near Ravenna ; † July 31 (?) 451 ) was Bishop of Ravenna and is venerated in the Catholic Church as a saint and doctor of the church .


Few confirmed facts are known about the life of Peter. Between 424 and 431 he was appointed Bishop of Ravenna; after Ravenna's elevation to a metropolis , he also became a metropolitan . In his sermons he also deals with urban life in the trading city, which was then experiencing a heyday. Peter is considered a close confidante of Pope Leo the Great and also had influence at the imperial court.

He is buried in Imola Cathedral .

As early as the 9th century he was nicknamed Chrysologus ("golden speaker") by Agnellus of Ravenna , who also wrote a biography about him. The reason for this was probably the comparison with the preacher of the Eastern Church, Johannes Chrysostomus ("Goldmund"), to whom the Roman Church wanted to create a counterpoint.


From Petrus Chrysologus 168 (according to other sources 176 or 183) sermons have been received. In these he interprets the Gospel texts , the Psalms , the Pauline letters and the Our Father . He is also dedicated to the saints of that time. From the theological point of view they are under the sign of the Council of Ephesus (431).

Many of Peter's texts still have a permanent place in the lectionary and book of hours of the Catholic Church.


Have been combined for the first time 176 of his sermons of Bishop Felix of Ravenna ( 707 - 717 ). Selected sermons by Petrus Chrysologus can be found, for example, in:

  • M. Held: Selected. Speeches of St. Petrus C. based on the original text. u. with opening verse, 1874
  • Maranatha: Advent prayers from Ravenna. Transfer u. a. v. Wilhelm Schmidt, Vienna 1958


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