Parish church of St. Peter near Taggenbrunn

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Parish church of St. Peter near Taggenbrunn
inside view
Late Gothic choir closure

The Roman Catholic parish church of St. Peter near Taggenbrunn is in the municipality of St. Georgen am Längsee . It was first mentioned in documents in 860 and 927.

Building description

The Romanesque choir tower church was provided with a late Gothic vault (around 1521) and a choir closure in the 16th century . In the first half of the 19th century the church was raised and one yoke was added . The bell storey of the tower, the flat, curved tower spire and the Biedermeier tower facade with painted pilaster decorations date from the first half of the 19th century. The original, Gothic exterior plaster has been preserved in the gallery area. The mural of St. Christopher was created in the second half of the 16th century. The western, Gothic keel arch portal is protected by a canopy with slender, square pillars.

A star rib vault rises above the three original bays of the nave on polygonal pillars. At the intersection of the ribs there are pockets , some of which have maker's marks. The master's mark marked with “1521 PS” is that of the master, who in 1517 in St. Walburgen , 1521/1521 in Maria Feicht , 1523 in the parish church of Grades , in the branch church St. Wolfgang and in the castle chapel Eberstein , 1524 in St. Urban , Worked in St. Georgen am Weinberg in 1536 and in St. Margareten ob Töllerberg in 1538. In the western nave yoke there is a three-axis, two-bay western gallery with a square vault under a barrel vault with stitch caps . The flat arched window openings date from the late 18th or early 19th century. A pointed triumphal arch connects the nave with the square choir tower yoke. A groin vault of the 13th and 14th rises above the choir tower yoke and the three-eighth choir closure Century. A pointed arch portal leads from the south wall of the choir into the late Gothic, groin-vaulted sacristy .


On the high altar from the 17th century there is a statue of St. Peter from the second quarter of the 17th century, the other statues are from the 18th century. The two side altars from the mid-18th century with carved antependia are attributed to Johann Pacher's workshop. The relief of the Last Supper on the north wall of the nave, carved around 1520/1525, comes from the circle of Master von Rabenden . The pictures of the Stations of the Cross from the middle of the 19th century are behind glass pictures. The holy water font is labeled "1647 IHS". In the church there is the coat of arms grave plate of Gertraut Mazigon († 1645). The church has three Lenten cloths depicting a crucifixion (probably from the 17th century), the flagellation and the crowning of thorns (both from the 18th century).


  • Dehio manual. The art monuments of Austria. Carinthia . Anton Schroll, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7031-0712-X , p. 815 f.

Coordinates: 46 ° 46 ′ 32 "  N , 14 ° 24 ′ 35.6"  E