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Basic data

Publishing year 2003
operating system Web app: platform-independent, mobile app: Android, iOS
category Flashcard software
License PLUS license and learning content subject to a charge / FREE model free of charge

phase6 is a digital vocabulary trainer based on the learning card system. The user can create his own learning content or choose from around 800 quality-tested learning content that is created in cooperation with large educational and school book publishers . phase6 works browser-based in the web app and in the mobile app for Android and Apple iOS .

Learning concept

The phase6 learning concept and the phase6 system are based on the 5-subject learning box or learning card index . The vocabulary to be learned is in question-answer pairs on the front and back of virtual index cards .

New vocabulary is first activated, then these are in the first phase and are submitted for query. If you answer correctly, the cards will move on to the next higher phase until they are due again at a later point in time. If the answer is incorrect, the correct answer is displayed and the card is moved back one phase. This ensures that difficult words are asked more often than easy ones.

In the smaller phases the pauses until the next query are shorter, in the higher phases longer. The repetition at exponentially increasing time intervals is an important element of this learning method . After the sixth repetition, the word should be in long-term memory and will no longer be queried. The name phase6 is derived from this.

phase6 also enables individual adaptation of the phases (number and duration). In addition, the user can use the "Practice for a test" function to temporarily override the system so that specific vocabulary can be practiced independently of when they are due.


phase6 PREMIUM and phase6 BASIC

The scope of functions of phase6 varies depending on whether the phase6 BASIC, which has to be paid for once upon registration (registration with personal details required!) Or the monthly phase6 PREMIUM (subscription model), is used. Own or acquired learning content is required for learning. The user can learn browser-based with the web app or with the mobile app for iOS and Android. A phase6 PREMIUM license enables the use of many functions that are not activated in phase6 BASIC. phase6 PREMIUM enables data to be synchronized between the web app and mobile app, for example, and reports can be viewed, e.g. B. show the learning progress. These reports can also be viewed by parents using the family functions.

By changing the product range (discontinuation of the phase6 desktop variant ), offline use has been abolished. This means that it is no longer possible to access and use the purchased content without a sufficiently fast internet connection.

Learning content

phase6 offers appropriate learning content for around 800 school books and textbooks from German school book publishers such as Cornelsen , Ernst Klett Verlag , CC Buchner, Oldenbourg , Diesterweg , Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht , Schöningh , Latin Book Publishing Lappersdorf and other educational publishers such as Hueber , Langenscheidt or PONS . The learning content contains the vocabulary of the respective textbooks and is arranged according to the individual lessons. Individual lessons or selected vocabulary can be activated for the query. The quality-checked learning content of the publishers excludes sources of error and relieves students of part of the work in the learning process. The publisher's learning content is often set to music in the mother tongue, visualized with images and contextualized with example sentences. This not only helps you learn the correct pronunciation at the same time; multi-channel learning also enables higher learning success.

Scientific background

The basis of the software is the invention of the learning card index and thus the concept of multiple repetitions in increasing time intervals. This learning method was developed by Sebastian Leitner in the 1970s. phase6 combines this method with digital learning technologies. Possible learning outcomes have been scientifically investigated.


phase6 was recognized by the family magazine Eltern family with the GIGA mouse 2014 as the best learning program for foreign languages ​​for children aged 10 and over. On June 25, 2015, the company received the Comenius-EduMedia seal in the category of mother tongue and foreign language education for its web app with phase6 PREMIUM .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Offer of phase6 learning content: phase6 shop on, accessed on July 10, 2020.
  2. What is phase6 on, accessed on August 3, 2015.
  3. The phase6 learning concept at, accessed on August 3, 2015.
  4. phase6 PREMIUM / phase6 BASIC on, accessed on August 3, 2015.
  5. phase6 BASIC on, accessed on August 3, 2015.
  6. phase6 PREMIUM (subscription model) on, accessed on August 3, 2015.
  7. What are learning content on, accessed on July 10, 2020.
  8. Scientific studies on, accessed on August 3, 2015.
  9. Winner of the GIGA-Maus 2014 on, accessed on August 3, 2015.
  10. GIGA-Maus 2014 on, accessed on August 3, 2015.
  11. Comenius EduMedia Awards 2015 on, accessed on August 3, 2015.
  12. Comenius-EduMedia Siegel 2015 on, accessed on August 3, 2015.