Philipp Konrad Marheineke

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Portrait tondo by Philipp Konrad Marheineke on his tombstone
Signature Philipp Konrad Marheineke.PNG

Philipp Konrad Marheineke (born May 1, 1780 in Hildesheim , † May 31, 1846 in Berlin ) was a Protestant theologian .


Philipp Konrad Marheineke was a repetiteur at the University of Göttingen in 1804, university preacher and associate professor at the University of Erlangen in 1805, and in 1807 accepted an appointment in the latter capacity at the University of Heidelberg , where he became a full professor in 1809. Employed as a preacher at the Dreifaltigkeitskirche and as a professor at the newly founded University of Berlin in 1811 , Marheineke has been a focal point for the right-wing, orthodox side of its philosophical followers , especially since the death of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel . When he died in 1846, he was consistorial counselor . His grave of honor of the city of Berlin is on the Dreifaltigkeitskirchhof II in field B1, G3 in Berlin-Kreuzberg .

Grave of Marheineke on the Dreifaltigkeitskirchhof II in Berlin-Kreuzberg

The starting point for Marheineke's studies, especially for his system of Catholicism in its symbolic development , was history; Despite his achievements in the field of church history , among which the history of the German Reformation should be emphasized, he later moved away from this discipline.


In honor of Marheineke, the square in front of the Passionskirche (Berlin) of the parish Heilig-Kreuz-Passion was named Marheinekeplatz .


  • System of Catholicism in its symbolic development . Heidelberg 1810–1813 (3 vol.)
  • History of the German Reformation . Berlin 1816 (2 vol.), 2nd edition 1831–1834 (4 vol.)
  • Basic doctrines of dogmatics . Berlin 1819
  • Institutiones symbolicae . Berlin 1830 (3rd edition)
  • About the true position of liturgical law in the Protestant church regime . Berlin 1825
  • Draft of practical theology . Berlin 1837
  • The Reformation told to the German people . Berlin 1846
  • Lectures on Christian morality, dogmatics, symbolism and the history of dogmas . Berlin 1847–1849 (4 vols.)
  • Sermons dedicated to domestic piety . Berlin 1826
    • Volume 1: The Lord's Passion in a Series of Lent Sermons
    • Volume 2: Sermons on the Sunday Gospels


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