Pierre Milza

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Pierre Milza (born April 16, 1932 in Paris , † February 28, 2018 in Saint-Malo ) was a French historian and professor at the Institut d'études politiques de Paris .


Milza was the son of the Italian immigrant and hotel employee Pietro Milza and his wife Suzanne Gadoux. After her father's death in 1943, Milza grew up with an aunt in Sanremo in Liguria . Here he discovered his Italian roots and learned the language.

After attending the Lycée Turgot and the Lycée Voltaire, Milza completed training as a primary school teacher. From 1953 he worked as a teacher at a primary school in the 16th arrondissement of Paris . During his training he met the historian Serge Berstein , who encouraged him to study history. From 1961 to 1963 he taught at a college . In 1964 Milza received the Agrégation in history and then taught at the Lycée Michelet in Vanves until 1966 . For his diploma at the Université de Paris he wrote a thesis on the Florence chronicler family Villani . His dissertation dealt with the Franco-Italian relations at the time of the fin de siècle .

From 1966 to 1968 Milza then worked as a research assistant at the Center national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS). In 1968 he moved to the Institut d'études politiques in Paris, where he taught as a full professor from 1978 to 2000 and headed the history department. He was chairman of the Comité franco-italien d'études historiques and the Center d'études et de documentation sur l'émigration italienne (CEDEI). He was also director of the Center d'histoire de l'Europe du XXe siècle (CHEVS) at the Fondation nationale des sciences politiques.

Research priorities

One of the main focuses of Milza's work was the history of Italian-French relations in the 19th and 20th centuries. He mainly focused on the immigration of Italians to France. Milza also published numerous articles and monographs on French and Italian fascism . He has received numerous prizes for his books, including the Prix ​​Guizot-Calvados , the Grand prix d'histoire of the Société des gens de lettres , the Grand prix du Collège de France and the Prix ​​Perret of the Académie des sciences morales et for his Mussolini biography politiques .

Awards and honors


  • L'Italie fasciste devant l'opinion française, 1920–1940 , Armand Colin, Paris 1967
  • with Serge Berstein : L'Italie fasciste . Armand Colin, Paris 1970
  • with Serge Berstein: Histoire de la France au XXe siècle . Éditions Complexe, Brussels 1972
  • with Serge Berstein: L'Italie contemporaine. Des nationalistes aux Européens . Armand Colin, Paris 1973
  • with Marianne Benteli: Le Fascisme au XXe siècle . Richelieu-Bordas, Paris 1973
  • with Serge Berstein: Le Fascisme Italy, 1919–1945 . Le Seuil, Paris 1980
  • Français et Italy à la fin du XIXe siècle . École française de Rome, 2 volumes, Rome 1981
  • Le Nouveau Désordre mondial . Flammarion, Paris 1983
  • Les Fascismes . Imprimerie Nationale, Paris 1985
  • Fascisme français, passé et present . Flammarion, Paris 1987
  • with Marianne Amar: L'Immigration en France au XX. siècle . Armand Colin, Paris 1990
  • with Serge Berstein: L'Allemagne 1870–1991 . Masson, Paris 1992
  • Voyage en Ritalie . Plon, Paris 1993
  • with Marie-Claude Blanc-Chaléard: Le Nogent des Italiens . Autrement, Paris 1995
  • Les Relations internationales de 1918 à 1939 . Armand Colin, Paris 1995
  • with Antoine Marès : Le Paris des étrangers depuis 1945 . Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris 1995
  • Les Relations internationales:
    • De 1945 à 1973, Paris . (= Volume 1), Hachette, Paris 1996
    • De 1973 à nos jours . (= Volume 2), Hachette, Paris 1997
  • Sources de la France au XXe siècle . Larousse, Paris 1997
  • with Serge Berstein: Axes et méthodes de l'histoire politique . PUF, Paris 1998
  • with Serge Berstein: L'Allemagne de 1870 à nos jours . Armand Colin, Paris 1999
  • Mussolini . Fayard, Paris 1999
  • Verdi et son temps . Paris, Perrin, Paris 2001
  • with Serge Berstein: Histoire de l'Europe contemporaine . Hatier, Paris 2002
  • Napoléon III . Perrin, Paris 2004
  • Histoire de l'Italie des origines à nos jours . Fayard, Paris 2005
  • Voltaire . Perrin, Paris 2007
  • L'Année terrible:
    • La Guerre franco-prussienne, September 1870 - mars 1871 . (= Volume 1), Perrin, Paris 2009
    • La Commune . (= Volume 2), Perrin, Paris 2010
  • Les Relations internationales de 1871 à 1914 . Armand Colin, Paris 2009
  • Les Derniers Jours de Mussolini . Fayard, Paris 2010
  • with Serge Berstein: Dictionnaire historique des fascismes et du nazisme . André Versaille, Brussels 2010
  • Garibaldi . Fayard, Paris 2012
  • Conversations Hitler-Mussolini . Fayard, Paris 2013
  • Pie XII . Fayard, Paris 2014

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. L'historien Pierre Milza est mort , Le Monde , February 28, 2018
  2. Decree of July 13, 2013 , Publications of the Republic of France
  3. Pierre Milza , Who's Who , accessed March 5, 2018