Pierre Moussa

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Pierre Moussa (born July 24, 1941 in Brazzaville , French Equatorial Africa , today: Republic of the Congo ) is a Congolese politician of the Parti Congolais du Travail (PCT) who was, among other things, acting Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo between 1990 and 1991 .


Moussa was a member of the Parti Congolais du Travail (PCT) founded in 1969 and served as planning minister in several governments between 1979 and 1991. At the same time, he was Finance Minister in the government of Prime Minister Ange Édouard Poungui from 1987 to 1989 .

On December 3, 1990 he took over from Alphonse Poaty-Souchlaty the office of Prime Minister of the Republic of Congo , which he held until his replacement by Louis Sylvain Goma on January 8, 1991. Most recently he was in the presidential government of President Denis Sassou-Nguesso between 1997 and 2012 and again planning minister during the interim term of office of Prime Minister Isidore Mvouba (2005 to 2009).

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