Alfred Raoul

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Alfred Raoul

Alfred Raoul (born December 4, 1938 in Pointe-Noire , then French Equatorial Africa , † July 16, 1999 ) was head of state for a short time in 1968 and Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo from 1968 to 1969 .

Political career

Raoul was originally from Cabinda , an enclave of the then to Portugal belonging to Angola . In the Republic of the Congo, which became independent from France on August 15, 1960 , he was a captain in their army from 1963 .

Shortly before the coup , which ended the term of office of President Alphonse Massemba-Débat , who himself came to power in 1963 through a coup on September 4, 1968 , he became Prime Minister of a transitional government on August 22, 1968. He then acted as head of state as one of the leading participants in the coup and member of the military council, Conseil national de la révolution , before the function passed to Marien Ngouabi on December 31, 1968 . He held the office of head of government until December 30, 1969, when a new constitution came into force. After that, the office was not filled again until 1973. As a member of the Politburo of the Parti Congolais du Travail (PCT) unity party formed in 1969 , he headed a delegation from the Republic of the Congo in the summer of 1970, which visited the People's Republic of China and met Mao Zedong there .


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