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Pietersit, here at a flatterer ground
African pietersite
Chinese pietersite

Pietersit which is trade name for a brekzienartiges mixture of Hawkeye and tiger eye from dark blue-gray to brownish-yellow color and thus by definition a rock .

Pietersite was discovered in 1962 by Sidney "Sid" Pieters in South West Africa (now Namibia), and the stone is named after him. The exact location given is the Hopewell Farm, which is about 40 km northeast of the municipality of Outjo in the Kunene region . The only other known site (as of 2017) is Nanyang in the Chinese province of Henan , where Pietersite was discovered in 1993.

Pietersite is used exclusively as a gemstone and is offered in cabochon or table cut and processed into handicrafts.

According to other sources, pietersite is described as a variety of chalcedony with fibrous inclusions of amphibole minerals . However, like chalcedony, hawk's and tiger's eyes are microcrystalline varieties of quartz , i.e. they contain the same basic substance, and the crocidolite or hornblende fibers embedded in tiger's and hawk's eyes belong to the group of amphiboles.


  • Walter Schumann: Precious stones and gemstones. All kinds and varieties. 1900 unique pieces . 16th revised edition. BLV Verlag, Munich 2014, ISBN 978-3-8354-1171-5 , pp. 240 .
  • Rudolf Ďuďa, Luboš Rejl: The Cosmos Mineral Guide . Minerals, rocks, precious stones . Kosmos, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-440-08471-X , p. 265 .

Web links

Commons : Pietersite  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Name search at EPI, the institute for gem testing (entry of Pietersite required)
  2. Pietersite at gemdat.org (English)
  3. a b Mindat - Pietersite (English)
  4. Mineral Atlas: Pietersite