Garmo of Spades

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Garmo of Spades
height 6595  m
location Nohija Tawildara in Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij ( Tajikistan )
Mountains Chain of the Academy of Sciences ( Pamir )
Dominance 10.17 km →  Rossiya Peak
Notch height 1265 m ↓  ( 5330  m )
Coordinates 38 ° 48 '38 "  N , 72 ° 4' 18"  E Coordinates: 38 ° 48 '38 "  N , 72 ° 4' 18"  E
Garmo Peak (Tajikistan)
Garmo of Spades
First ascent 1948, Anatoly Bagrow

The Pik Garmo ( Tajik Қуллаи Гармо ; Qullai Garmo ) is a mountain in the Pamirs in Tajikistan .

The 6595  m high glaciated mountain is part of the chain of the Academy of Sciences . The Ismoil Somoni Peak is 15.46 kilometers towards the north-northwest. The southeast flank of Pik Garmo is drained towards the Wantsch . The glacier on the north flank flows to the Fedchenko glacier , which runs further east , while the southwest flank belongs to the Obichingou catchment area .

The first ascent was made by a group of mountaineers led by Anatoly Bagrow in 1948.

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Individual evidence

  1. AAJ: Six and Seventhousanders of the Tien Shan and the Pamirs (Gippenreiter, Shataev)