Pio Bruno Lanteri

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Pio Bruno Lanteri, painting by Michele Baretta

Pio Bruno Lanteri OMV (born May 12, 1759 in Cuneo , † August 5, 1830 in Pinerolo ) was a Piedmontese Roman Catholic clergyman and founder of the order . It is at the beginning of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary (OMV).

life and work

Student of Diesbach

The doctor's son Lanteri, who lost his mother at the age of four, entered the Certosa di Pesio in 1776 , but had to give up the Carthusian life because of poor health. On the advice of the Bishop of Mondovì he went to study theology in Turin , where in 1779 he met Nikolaus Joseph Albert von Diesbach , who became his spiritual mentor. At Diesbach, through Alfons von Liguori , he got to know God as merciful, in contrast to the Jansenism , which is widespread in the clergy , and which primarily portrayed God as punitive. In 1782 he accompanied Diesbach on his trip to Vienna (in the entourage of Pope Pius VI. ), But returned to Turin and was ordained a priest in the same year.

Apostolate in Piedmont. Late foundation of the order

In Turin, Lanteri devoted himself for thirty years to the circles of friends founded by Diesbach ( Amicizia christiana , Amicizia sacerdotale ) and the related apostolate: retreats , dissemination of books, training of the young clergy, defense of the Pope, confessional and spiritual guidance. From 1811 to 1814 he was exiled from Turin under Napoleon and lived in his country house La Grangia in Bardassano, Gassino Torinese (east of Turin). From 1815 he was in charge of the community of Oblates of the Virgin Mary, founded a year earlier by Giovanni Battista Reynaudi (1782-1832) in Carignano , and gave it a rule approved by the archbishop in 1816, but dissolved it again in 1820 (due to problems with the diocese). From 1825 he worked again towards a permanent establishment, which succeeded in 1826 in Pinerolo. This explains the competing information on the founding year (1816 or 1826) of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary.

The Oblates of the Virgin Mary in the world and in Austria. The beatification process

The order, whose founding Lanteri only survived by a few years, expanded and is now represented (alongside France and Italy) in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Nigeria and the Philippines. In German-speaking countries, he gained a foothold in Vienna in 1954 (until 2011) and in 1964 in the Maria Loretto Basilica in Burgenland . There is a life-size statue of Lanteris in the courtyard in front of the basilica. In Vienna, next to the parish church Zum Guten Hirten, the Lanterihaus is named after him. Homes and houses bear his name in several places in the world (for example in Fontenay-aux-Roses near Paris). In 1952 the beatification process was opened. In 1965 Pope Paul VI declared. Lanteri as worthy of admiration. Since then, the process has been resting in anticipation of a miracle.


  • Reflections on the sainteté et the doctrine du Bienheureux Liguori . Lyon, Paris, Mechelen 1823.
  • Réponse à l'examen de la question si la doctrine théologique du B. Liguori est toute sure et approuvée . Perisse, Lyon 1824.
  • Carteggio del venerabile Padre Pio Bruno Lanteri, 1759-1830, fondatore della Congregazione degli Oblati di Maria Vergine , ed. by Paolo Calliari. 5 vols. Lanteriana, Turin 1975-1976.
  • La Spiritualité du Père Lanteri d'après ses écrits . Oeuvres de Ste Rita, Nice 1975.


  • Candido Bona: Le "amicizie," società segrete e rinascita religiosa (1770-1830). Deputazione subalpina di storia patria, Turin 1962. ( review )
  • Andrea Brustolon (* 1961):
    • Storiografia lanteriana ed archivio storico della Congregazione degli Oblati di Maria Vergine . Ed. Lanteri, Turin 1995.
    • La vita del venerabile Pio Bruno Lanteri. Una biografia meditata . Vol. 1. Effatà Editrice, Cantalupa 2003.
      • 1: L'infanzia, l'adolescenza e la risposta alla chiamata
      • 2: La formazione e l'accompagnamento spirituale di padre Diesbach
  • Paolo Calliari (1913–1991):
    • Un Maestro di Santi. Pio Brunone Lanteri . Lanteriana, Turin 1944.
    • I tempi e le opere del Padre Pio Bruno Lanteri (1759-1830) . Lanteriana, Turin 1968.
    • Pio Bruno Lanteri e la Controrivoluzione . Lanteriana, Turin 1976.
      • (French) 1789, révolte contre Dieu. Le P. Bruno Lanteri (1759-1830) et la Contre-Révolution. Ed. du Cèdre, Paris 1986.
    • Servire la Chiesa. Il Venerabile Pio Bruno Lanteri (1759-1830). Pioneers del movimento laici cattolici. Fondatore degli Oblati di Maria Vergine . Lanteriana-Krinon, Caltanissetta 1989.
    • Pio Bruno Lanteri (1759–1830) fondatore degli Oblati di Maria Vergine nella storia religiosa del suo tempo (manuscript 1975–1983).
  • Léon Cristiani (1879–1971): Un prêtre redouté de Napoléon. P. Bruno Lantéri, 1759-1830 . Procure des Oblats de la Vierge Marie, Nice 1955, most recently 1978.
    • (unchanged new edition) Bruno Lantéri. Un prêtre pour des temps nouveaux, 1759-1830 . Médiaspaul, Paris 1989.
  • Timothy M Gallagher: Begin again. The life and spiritual legacy of Bruno Lanteri . The Crossroad Publishing Company, New York 2013.
  • Giuseppe Griseri:  LANTERI, Pio Bruno. In: Mario Caravale (ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 63:  Labroca-Laterza. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 2004, rich literature.
  • Serge Saint-Michel (1931–2007) and Julien Grycan (* 1955): "Dios es amor". Padre Bruno Lanteri. Fundador de los Oblatos de la Virgen María 1759-1830. Ed. du Signe, Strasbourg 2008 (comic, 39 pages).

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