Plato Majboroda

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Platon Ilarionowytsch Majboroda ( Ukrainian Платон Іларіонович Майборода ; born December 1, 1918 in Pelechiwschtschyna , Poltava governorate ; † July 8, 1989 in Kiev ) was a Soviet and Ukrainian composer . Since 1968 he has held the title of People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR and since 1979 that of the People's Artist of the USSR . In 1962 he was the winner of the Taras Shevchenko Prize . His brother Heorhij Majboroda was also a composer.

Platon Majboroda was born in a homestead (now a village in Poltava Oblast ). From 1939 to 1941 he studied at the National Music Academy of Ukraine Peter Tchaikovsky , where Levko Rewuzkyj was his tutor. In the years 1946–1950 he was a professor at this academy. He appeared as the author of modern folk music as well as lyrical music. He also created choral music and film music . He died in Kiev and was buried in the local Baikowe cemetery .


  • Віктор Жадько. Некрополь на Байковій горі.-К., 2008.-С.141, 268.
  • Віктор Жадько. Український некрополь.-К., 2005.-С.229.
  • Гордійчук М. П. І. Майборода, К., 1964;
  • Кузик В. Платон Майборода, К., 1978,1983,1987;
  • Платон Майборода. Слово про композитора // Упор. Кузик В. і Вінниченко Т., К., 1988;
  • Правдюк О. Народні пісні в записах П.Майбороди, К., 1989;
  • Довженко В. Зрілий талант // Рад. культура, 1959, № 17;
  • Гордійчук М. Композитор-пісняр // Нар. творчість та етнографія, 1968, № 6;
  • Суярко Т. Пісенна стежина // Музика, 1978, № 6;
  • Малишев Ю. «І на тім рушничкові…" // Музика, 1988, № 6;
  • Ганна Черінь. Милий спомин про Платона Майбороду // Свобода, 20 листопада 2009 р., С. 22nd

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