Pola Oloixarac

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Pola Oloixarac with Valter Hugo Mãe , 2011

Pola Oloixarac (born September 13, 1977 in Buenos Aires ) is an Argentine writer, journalist and translator.


Pola Oloixarac studied philosophy at the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). In 2008 her debut novel Las teorías salvajes ( The Wild Theories ) was published. The book was a great success in Argentina and caused intense media controversy about sexism and the cultural hegemony of the left at Argentine universities. In this context, the writer Ricardo Piglia described Oloixarac as “the great discovery of modern Argentine literature”. Las teorías salvajes has been translated into several languages, including French, Italian and Portuguese. In 2010 she was named to the list of Best of Young Spanish Novelists by the literary magazine Granta , and in the same year she was invited to the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa . In 2015, Oloixarac published her second novel Las constelaciones oscuras , which was translated into German under the title Cryptocene . She wrote the libretto for the opera Hércules en el Mato Grosso , which deals with the Amazon journey of the Franco-Brazilian photographer Hércules Florence and the German naturalist Freiherr Georg Heinrich von Langsdorff . The opera premiered in 2014 at the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires.

Pola Oloixarac is the founder and co-editor of the bilingual Internet magazine The Buenos Aires Review , which publishes contemporary Latin American literature and literary criticism. She regularly writes articles on the cultural and political situation in Argentina for The New York Times , BBC , Rolling Stone , The Daily Telegraph , Clarín and Folha de S. Paulo .


  • Las teorías salvajes , Entropía: Buenos Aires 2008; Alpha Decay: Barcelona 2010; Literatura Random House: Buenos Aires 2016.
  • Las constelaciones oscuras , Literatura Random House: Buenos Aires 2015.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Gabriela Wiener: El plan maestro de Pola Oloixarac (Interview in El País , March 12, 2010: http://elpais.com/diario/2010/03/12/tentaciones/1268421773_850215.html )
  2. Alison Flood: Granta names' best young Spanish-language novelists (in The Guardian , October 1, 2010: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2010/oct/01/granta-best-young-spanish-language -novelists )
  3. http://iwp.uiowa.edu/writers/archive/2010bios.html ( Memento from October 18, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  4. http://www.buenosairesreview.org/about/the-editors/
  5. Pola Oloixarac: Argentina's Fading Diva (article on Cristina Fernández de Kirchner in The New York Times , November 7, 2013: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/08/opinion/argentinas-fading-diva.html ? _r = 1 )
  6. Pola Oloixarac: Reviving and Reclaiming Culture (article in The Cultural Frontline zur Kulturpolitik under Mauricio Macri , May 15, 2016: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03tbwc9 )
  7. http://www.editorialentropia.com.ar/teorias.htm
  8. http://www.alphadecay.org/libro/las-teorias-salvajes/
  9. ^ The black spaces between the dots , in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung of September 11, 2016, p. 48