Brothers of the Penance of Martyrs

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Coat of arms

The Brothers of the Penance of the Martyrs ( Latin Ordo Canonicorum Regularium Mendicantium S. Mariae de Metro de Poenitentia Sanctorum Martyrum ), also Cross Lords with the red heart , Polish Cross Lords , in Lithuania called White Augustinians , were an order of the Roman that expired in the 19th century .-cath. Church .

The clerical community living according to the Rule of Augustine has been attested since it was confirmed by Pope Alexander IV in 1256. In Rome , the order looked after the church of Santa Maria de Metrio . The order's habit was a white undergarment and a white scapular . A red heart with a red cross was applied to the Mozetta and the order's mantle .

The order spread particularly in Bohemia , Poland and Lithuania . In 1257, Duke Boleslaw and his wife, Duchess Kinga , established a monastery in Krakow . Blessed Michael Giedroyc (1425–1485), originally from Lithuania, was a member of the Krakow convent. In what is now Poland and Lithuania, the monasteries existed until the 19th century, for example in Trzciana , Pilica , Bogoria and Videniškiai , 70 km north of Vilnius . The monasteries were gradually abolished by the Austrian and Russian authorities , beginning in 1807 with the Krakow monastery. As the last monastery of the order, Užupis was dissolved in 1845 .


  • Andrzej Bruździński: Kanonicy regularni od pokuty na ziemiach polskich. Wydawnictwo Unum, ISBN 83-89256-11-8 .
  • Karl Suso Frank: Brothers of the Penance of Martyrs. In: Walter Kasper (Ed.): Lexicon for Theology and Church (LThK). 3. Edition. Volume 2. Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1994, ISBN 3-451-22002-4 , Sp. 833 f.