Polynesian Eclectus Parrot

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Polynesian Eclectus Parrot
Drawing of an unknown parrot species from Vavaʻu, which could represent the Polynesian Eclectus Parrot

Drawing of an unknown parrot species from Vavaʻu, which could represent the Polynesian Eclectus Parrot

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Parrots (Psittaciformes)
Family : True parrots (Psittacidae)
Subfamily : Eclectic parrots (Psittaculinae)
Genre : Eclectus Parrots ( Eclectus )
Type : Polynesian Eclectus Parrot
Scientific name
Eclectus infectus
Steadman , 2006

The Polynesian Eclectus Parrot ( Eclectus infectus ) is an extinct species of parrot that was found in Tonga , Vanuatu and probably Fiji . The fossil material, which was discovered in November 1989 in deposits of the Young Pleistocene and Holocene on ʻEua , Lifuka , Uiha and on Vanuatu and described by ornithologist David William Steadman in 2006 , consists of a complete femur and five radii , a square bone , a lower jaw bone , and a Coracoid , two sternum bones , two humerus bones , two ulne , two tibiotarsi , one carpometacarpus , one tarsometatarsus and three toe bones.

On Tonga , the Polynesian Eclectus Parrot probably died out during the early colonization over 3000 years ago. On Vavaʻu it could have survived into historical times, as a drawing made in 1793 during the Malaspina expedition depicts a parrot that looks very similar to the male of a noble parrot.

The only living representatives in the genus Eclectus is the Edelpapagei ( Eclectus roratus has), the proportionally greater than the wing Polynesische Edelpapagei and from the Solomon Islands to the Molukken is widespread.


  • David William Steadman: A New Species of Extinct Parrot (Psittacidae: Eclectus) from Tonga and Vanuatu, South Pacific . Pacific Science, Volume 60, Number 1, January 2006, pp. 137-145 PDF, online

Web links

Commons : Polynesian Eclectus Parrot ( Eclectus infectus )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files