Porta Angelica (Rome)

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Porta Angelica (north as an extension of the obelisk) on Merian's map from 1652
Giuseppe Vasi : Porta Angelica (around 1750)
Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg : Porta Angelica (1813)
Reliefs from the Porta Angelica on the north-east wall of the Vatican (Piazza del Risorgimento)

The Porta Angelica was a gate in the northern city ​​wall of the Borgo , built from 1561 and demolished in 1888 , the settlement area between the Vatican City and Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome .


The Vatican Hill with the Constantinian St. Peter's Basilica was outside the walls of ancient Rome . Pope Leo IV reacted to the Saracen invasions of the 9th century with the erection of the Leonine Wall , which surrounded the Vatican hill and a narrow strip of settlements up to Castel Sant'Angelo. The northern border of this strip was the section of the wall known today as the Passetto di Borgo .

Since the Borgo (the Città Leonina  - "Leostadt") had expanded further in the north, Pope Pius IV had a new wall built from 1561 from the north hill of the Vatican to the north hill of the Castel Sant'Angelo. At the Vatican end of this new wall he had a gate inserted through which a new trunk road was to lead north, so that it should come close to the Porta del Popolo in importance or even surpass it. The ceremonial opening was in 1563. At the southern end of the street he had an arched opening ( fornice ) cut into the Passetto - the second, eastern arch was added in 1933 - so that the street led directly into St. Peter's Square - Bernini's colonnades were not built until a hundred years later.

The gate was named Porta Angelica  - " Angel's Gate" - after the second baptismal name of Pius IV (born as Giovanni Angelo Medici ) and thus after his second patron saint, the Guardian Angel . The street is still called Via di Porta Angelica today .

Contrary to the Pope's intention, the importance of the gate with the street crossing it remained subordinate and its artistic decoration remained sparse. On the horizontal upper border, according to the custom at the time, the heads of those executed were displayed in wire baskets as a deterrent - the last not until 1840.

In 1849 the Porta Angelica was one of the main battlegrounds between the defenders of the Roman Republic and the French troops who were trying to restore the rule of Pius IX. advanced.

After the end of the Papal States in 1870, Rome became the capital of the Italian nation-state . In 1888 the entire wall of Pius IV was demolished to make room for modern buildings and streets.

Today's tracks

In addition to the street names Via di Porta Angelica and Borgo Angelico , contemporary inscriptions on the archway to St. Peter's Square remind of the construction work of Pius IV and the Porta Angelica. In addition, three reliefs and extensive lettering were removed before the demolition and attached to the Vatican wall facing the Piazza del Risorgimento . The reliefs show two angels carrying a cross and in the middle the Pope's coat of arms. The inscription reads:

“He commanded his angels over you to watch over you in all your ways” ( Ps 91:11  EU ).

Literary quote

In Friedrich Schiller's poem To the Friends , the “Angel's Gate” is a symbol (slightly ironic in the sequel) for a place with an overwhelming view:

More splendid than we in our north,
If the beggar lives at the angel gates,
Because he sees the eternally unique Rome!
He is surrounded by beauty,
And a second heaven in heaven
Rises Sanct Peters wonderful cathedral.

Web links

Commons : Porta Angelica  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. The topographical situation is shown exactly on the Nuova pianta di Roma by Giovanni Battista Nolli (1748).
  2. romasegreta.it
  3. Schiller, To the Friends

Coordinates: 41 ° 54 ′ 21.3 "  N , 12 ° 27 ′ 28"  E