Porz (drinking vessel)

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A new production porcelain for domestic use

The Porz , or more rarely Viezporz , is a drinking vessel for regional cider in the southern Eifel , in the Hunsrück , on the lower course of the Saar ( Saargau ), in the Moselle valley around and in Trier . This variant of apple wine is known as Viez . Traditionally, it is served in 0.4 l jugs. Since the revival of the Viez culture, 0.2 l jars have also been in use. Porz is traditionally made of white porcelain , but is now also offered as cheaper stoneware . The name derives from the Moselle FranconianDialect in which the traditional material porcelain is shortened to porz .


Even in summer, the rather thick porcelain jug kept the Viez stored in the cool cellar cold longer than the bottle glass commonly used in the Frankfurt area . At the same time, the material - like glass - was not attacked by the high acid content of the Viez. In the past, this was between 10 and 30 g / l. For comparison: white wine made from grapes has an acidity of 4 to 9 g / l. Today's Viez usually only has an acidity of around 6 g / l with an alcohol content of around 6 to 11% by volume and a residual sweetness of a maximum of 5 g / l.

Porz with a capacity of 0.4 l and
filling line applied on the outside


The porz was produced in the region by several small companies. When the drink became more and more out of fashion, only the art ceramic workshops Gebrüder Plein in Speicher in the southern Eifel remained. There the jugs are made by hand. On the bottom of the Porz there is a stamp with the letters "GPS" for the Plein Speicher brothers . In the course of the revival of the Viez culture in the mid-1990s, Porz was increasingly produced abroad, especially in Romania and China. In fact, the company from the Eifel is the monopoly for commercially used porcelain.

First legal dispute

The first legal dispute arose in 2007. The already mentioned import mugs were considerably cheaper than the goods from the Eifel. To be allowed to be used in restaurants, drinking vessels in Germany have of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt a so-called in Braunschweig manufacturer-character capacity serving preserved. On the basis of § 45 of the calibration regulations of August 12, 1988, only Plein owned this manufacturer's mark. The disputes went as far as the Trier Regional Court , until an out-of-court settlement was finally reached in 2012 . Since then, only products from the Eifel manufacturer may be used for commercial serving.

Second legal battle

In July 2014, several media reports, including the Bild newspaper , reported that a regulation of the European Union would ban traditional drinking vessels such as the Hessian Bembel or the Trier Porz. The reason, according to the press, is that these vessels do not have a filling line on the inside . However, this is not technically feasible, according to the manufacturer from Speicher. There have been similar discussions in the past about other drinking vessels such as the Bavarian beer mug made of earthenware. Even Prime Minister Malu Dreyer joined the discussion. Ultimately, in a reorganization of the measurement and calibration ordinance by the Federal Council, exemptions for traditional drinking vessels such as the Bembel or the Porz were drawn up.

Bottom of a porz with the stamp of the Kunstkeramische Werkstätten Gebrüder Plein, which is approved for use in gastronomy

World Heritage

At the beginning of 2021, an initiative was launched with the aim of elevating the former poor people's drink Viez to an intangible UNESCO World Heritage Site . The proposal met with a great response in the region. This would mean that everything related to the production, consumption and drinking culture of the Viez would become part of the world cultural heritage, including the Porz.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. From the Wine Law and its ordinances. In: Online event of the Viticulture Department of the University of Hohenheim. Retrieved February 3, 2021 .
  2. Trier Viez - a regional specialty. In: Rural Service Centers Rhineland-Palatinate. November 19, 2015, accessed February 3, 2021 .
  3. ^ Rolf Seydewitz: Ban on pubs for Porzen without a license ; Trierischer Volksfreund from May 8, 2008.
  4. Viez-Porz trial before the regional court adjourned ; Trierischer Volksfreund from April 18, 2012.
  5. cheek! EU wants to forbid us the bembel. In: image. November 12, 2014, accessed February 3, 2021 .
  6. Keferloher in danger. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. July 14, 2014, accessed February 3, 2021 .
  7. ↑ A traditional vessel is a cultural asset. In: State government of Rhineland-Palatinate. November 29, 2014, accessed February 3, 2021 .
  8. Viez Brotherhood Trier wants to bring Viez into the cultural heritage. In: SWR Rhineland-Palatinate. February 24, 2021, accessed February 3, 2021 .