Pourtalesia laguncula

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Pourtalesia laguncula
Class : Sea urchin (Echinoidea)
Subclass : Euechinoidea
Order : Holasteroid
Family : Pourtalesiidae
Genre : Pourtalesia
Type : Pourtalesia laguncula
Scientific name
Pourtalesia laguncula
A. Agassiz , 1879

Pourtalesia laguncula is a species of the irregular sea ​​urchin in the family Pourtalesiidae. It is a benthic inhabitant of the soft sediments in the deep sea . The species has been found in the Indian Ocean in the area of Malaysia and in the Sea of ​​Japan and lives at a depth of around 220 to 1370 m.


As with all Pourtalesiiden, Pourtalesia laguncula is an irregular representative of the sea urchin, i. H. the animals give up their pentaradiary symmetry during ontogeny and develop a bilateral symmetry secondarily . The animals reach a length of 30 mm and thus remain smaller than most other species of the genus Pourtalesia . It can be distinguished from the other species by the posterior, widened and upwardly curved subanalrostrum. The subanalrostrum of Pourtalesia alcocki is similar in shape, but P. laguncula can be distinguished from it by its smaller size and less pronounced formation of the plastron keel than in P. alcocki .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Schultz, Heinke AG: Handbook of Zoology. Echinoidea: with bilateral symmetry. Irregularia. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, Berlin 2017, ISBN 3-11-036853-6 , p. 133 .
  2. ^ WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Pourtalesia laguncula A. Agassiz, 1879. Retrieved May 1, 2019 .