Anton Rschepetskyj

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Cyrillic ( Ukrainian )
Антон Карлович Ржепецький
Transl. : Anton Karlovyč Ržepecʹkyj
Transcr. : Anton Karlowytsch Rschepetskyj
Cyrillic ( Russian )
Антон Карлович Ржепецкий
Transl .: Anton Karlovič Ržepec'kij
Transcr .: Anton Karlowitsch Rschepezki

Anton Karlowytsch Rschepezkyj ( Ukrainian Антон Карлович Ржепецький ; * between January 16 and March 6, 1868 in Kiev , Kyiv Governorate , Russian Empire ; † December 6, 1932 in Nice , France ) was a Ukrainian politician. He was Minister of Finance of the Ukrainian State from May 20, 1918 to December 14, 1918 .


Anton Rschepezkyj was born in early 1868 as a descendant of the old Polish noble family Rzepecki in Kiev, Russia at the time. He was a mixed Polish-Ukrainian culture and lived in downtown Kiev on Majdan Nezalezhnosti . Before the October Revolution he worked in Kiev for five years as a bank director and as a member of the Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets) he was an advisor to the Kiev city council. He was also a board member of a credit company, chairman of an agricultural cooperative and head of the election commission for the election to the State Duma . During the First World War he held a leading position in the Tatjana Committee for the Support of Refugees.

On May 20, 1918, he became a member of the government of the 1st Lysohub government of the Ukrainian state and was one of the few ministers who rejoined the newly formed coalition cabinet on October 18, 1918 after the government crisis . He saw his role as finance minister in creating a national currency system and ensuring a high exchange rate. So he made great efforts to strengthen the hryvnia and he succeeded in stabilizing the previously collapsed financial system and drawing up a state budget . In addition, he defended Ukraine's economic interests in negotiations with Germany. On his behalf, customs stations on the border with Austria-Hungary were put back into operation and new customs stations were built on the border with Bessarabia and Russia, so that by the end of September 1918 there were customs stations at almost all checkpoints along the Ukrainian border. He also had border guards trained to combat smuggling.

After Skoropadskyj was overthrown in December 1918, he and other members of the government of the hetmanate were arrested by the Ukrainian People's Republic Directory and initially imprisoned in Kiev's Lukianivska prison . After the Directory had to withdraw to Wynnyzia due to the Bolshevik threat to Kiev , the prisoners were also transferred there. The Entente countries, especially France, demanded the release of him, Serhiy Herbel , Wiktor Rejnbot and other personalities of the hetmanate for more than a year . Eventually the prisoners were transferred to Odessa and brought before the representatives of the Entente.

After his release from prison, he emigrated to Italy via Constantinople , where he founded the Italian-Russian society to supply Denikin's White Army with food and clothing. He later moved to Nice in the south of France , where he died in 1932 and was buried there in the Russian Orthodox Kokad Cemetery .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Entry on Anton Rschepezkyj in the Encyclopedia of the History of the Ukraine ; accessed on April 30, 2019 (Ukrainian)
  2. a b c Chronoskop - Ukraine received a new Prime Minister on from September 6, 2013; accessed on May 1, 2019 (Ukrainian)
  3. Tax policy of the Central Na Rada , the governments of the Ukrainian People's Republic, the Ukrainian State and the Ukrainian SSR (1917 - 1930) on accessed on April 30, 2019 (Ukrainian)
  4. a b Biography of Anton Rschepezkyj In the Lexicon of Ukrainian Studies on ; accessed on April 30, 2019 (Russian)
  5. Anton Rschepezkyj on ; accessed on April 30, 2019 (Russian)