Ukrainian state
Українська Держава | |||||
Ukrajinska Dershava |
Ukrainian state | |||||
1918 | |||||
Official language | Ukrainian | ||||
Capital | Kiev | ||||
Head of state , also head of government | Hetman Pavlo Skoropadskyj | ||||
currency | Hryvnia | ||||
founding | April 29, 1918 | ||||
resolution | December 14, 1918 | ||||
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The Ukrainian State ( Ukrainian Українська держава Ukrajinska derschawa ), also known as Das Hetmanat (Ukrainian Гетьманат Het'manat ), was a short-lived Ukrainian state. It was founded during the First World War on April 29, 1918 with the support of the Central Powers after they had dissolved the Central Na Rada of the Ukrainian People's Republic (UNR).

In the peace negotiations in Brest-Litovsk , representatives of the Central Powers on the one hand and the socialist government of the Ukrainian People's Republic signed the so-called " Bread Peace " on February 9, 1918 . It was based essentially on the agreement that the UNR would deliver agricultural products to Germany and in return receive military aid against the Bolsheviks . The Soviet Russian side had so far refused to sign the unacceptable terms of the peace treaty proposed by the Germans.
From February 18, 1918, German and Austro-Hungarian troops marched into the Ukraine and occupied it (see: Operation Faustschlag ). With the support of the Central Powers , the UNR government, which had previously had to flee from the advancing red troops , was able to return to Kiev.
Over time, however, it became clear that the Ukrainian People's Republic was neither able nor willing to cooperate with the occupation forces to the extent desired. Therefore, on April 28, 1918, the German occupying forces violently dissolved the Central Na Rada, which was just in session . The next day the conservative landowner and General Pavlo Skoropadskyj , who had previously agreed to the German terms in negotiations, was declared the hetman of the whole of Ukraine by a congress of landowners .
With the designation of the head of state as a hetman, it was hoped that the connection to national Cossack traditions would gain legitimacy in the eyes of the population. In addition, he renamed the state the Ukrainian state . On the same day he issued a manifesto in which he promised the creation of a homeland for all Ukrainians and presented a provisional constitution. Skoropadskyi's government was de facto a dictatorship, supported by German troops, of mostly Russian landowners, business people, entrepreneurs and administrative officials. There was much opposition to them, especially in the countryside. The German military was repeatedly deployed to suppress unrest and regional peasant uprisings.
In order to secure the support of the nationalist opposition, the hetman sought a national coat of paint. He promoted Ukrainian art and culture and set up schools. The social and economic situation remained catastrophic, Skoropadskyj's government was only supported by very few social forces from Ukraine itself, but there was strong opposition to it. As a protest against the coup, parts of the Ukrainian army and the Sitsch riflemen disbanded or deserted. Resistance to Skoropadskyi's government in the country continued to grow and on July 30th, Hermann von Eichhorn , the commander of the German troops in Kiev, was murdered by a Left Social Revolutionary in Kiev. As from around August 1918 a defeat of the Central Powers in World War I became more and more likely, Skoropadskyj began to look for other support so that he could stay in power. Therefore, he established ever closer contacts with the White Troops in the Russian Civil War , which, however, let the support of the Ukrainian people for him collapse even further.
Ukrainian civil war
On November 16, 1918, an open popular uprising against the Skoropadskyj government broke out in the city of Bila Tserkva near Kiev. The insurgents quickly gained ground and were able to force Skoropadskyj to resign from the post of hetman on December 14 of the same year when the Ukrainian People's Army captured Kiev. Although there were still troops of the Central Powers in the country at the time of the civil war, after the Compiègne armistice they were no longer interested in intervening in the country's internal affairs. Even the Russian White troops under A. Denikin , now in large numbers in Ukraine, were no longer able to turn the civil war. After the hetman's abdication, his government was replaced by the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic , which re-established the Ukrainian People's Republic.
Governments of the Ukrainian State
The government of the Ukrainian state was the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian State ( Рада Міністрів Української Держави Rada Ministriv Ukrajinskoji Derschawy ).
The following ministers were active in the individual departments in the governments of the state:
Department | April 30th - May 4th | May 4th - October 24th | October 25th - November 14th | November 14th - December 14th |
Chairman of the Council of Ministers ("Ataman Minister") |
Mykola Wassylenko | Fedir Lysohub | Fedir Lysohub | Serhiy Herbel |
Foreign Affairs | Mykola Wassylenko | Dmytro Doroshenko | Heorhiy Afanasyev | - |
Internal affairs |
Oleksandr Wyschnewskyj ( Олександр Андрійович Вишневський ) |
Fedir Lysohub | Ihor Kistakivskyi | - |
military | - | Alexander Franzewitsch Ragosa | - | - |
marine |
Mykola Maksymow ( Микола Лаврентійович Максимов ) |
Mykola Maksymov |
Andrij Pokrovskyj ( Андрій Георгійович Покровський ) |
- |
Finances | Anton Rschepetskyj | Anton Rschepetskyj | Anton Rschepetskyj | Anton Rschepetskyj |
trade |
Serhij Hutnyk ( Сергій Михайлович Гутник ) |
- | - |
Serhiy Mering ( Сергій Федорович Мерінг ) |
job |
Julij Wahner ( Юлій Миколайович Вагнер ) |
Julij Wahner | Maksym Slavynskyi |
Volodymyr Kossynskyj ( Володимир Андрійович Косинський ) |
transport |
Borys Butenko ( Борис Аполлонович Бутенко ) |
Borys Butenko | - |
W. Je. Landeberh ( В. Є. Ландеберг ) |
nutrition |
Jurij Sokolowskyj ( Юрій Юрійович Соколовський ) |
Yuri Sokolovsky | - | - |
Confessions and Churches | Mykola Wassylenko | Vasyl Senkivskyi | Oleksandr Lototskyj |
Mychajlo Voronovytsch ( Михайло Михайлович Воронович ) |
public health |
Vsevolod Lyubynskyj ( Всеволод Юрійович Любинський ) |
Vsevolod Lyubynskyi | Vsevolod Lyubynskyi | - |
Judiciary | Mychajlo Chubynskyi | Mychajlo Chubynskyi | Andrij Vyaslov |
Viktor Rejnbot ( Віктор Євгенович Рейнбот ) |
education | - | Mykola Wassylenko | Petro Stebnyzkyj | Volodymyr Naumenko |
Agriculture | - |
Wassyl Kolokolzow ( Василь Григорович Колокольцов ) |
- | - |
State control | - | Heorhiy Afanasyev | - | - |
State Secretariat |
Mychajlo Hyschyzkyj ( Михайло Львович Гижицький ) |
* Ihor Kistjakiwskyj * Serhij Savadskyj ( Сергій Володиславович Завадський ) |
- | - |
Territorial division
The Ukrainian state used the administrative-territorial division of the Russian Empire for its territory . It was divided into nine provinces and two districts (okrug):
province | Provincial Center |
Zhytomyr | |
Ekaterinoslav | |
Kiev | |
Kamianets-Podilskyi | |
Poltava | |
Kharkiv | |
Kherson | |
Brest-Litovsk | |
Chernihiv | |
Mosyr | |
Berdyansk | |
Simferopol | |
Krasnodar |
- John S. Reshetar Jr .: The Ukrainian Revolution, 1917-1920 : A Study In Nationalism. Literary Licensing, 2011, ISBN 1258080044 .
- Taras Hunczak: The Ukraine, 1917-1921: A Study in Revolution . Harvard Univ. Pr., 1978, ISBN 0674920090 .
- Скоропадський П. Спогади (кінець 1917 - грудень 1918) - Київ - Філадельфія, 1995.
- Дорошенко Д. Мої спогади про недавнє минуле (1914-1920) . - Мюнхен, 1969.
- Дорошенко Д. Історія України. 1917–1923 рр .: Українська гетьманська держава 1918 року . - Uzhgorod, 1930.
Web links
Individual evidence
- ^ Paul R. Magocsi: A History of Ukraine. Toronto 1996. p. 489
- ^ Entry on the Council of Ministers in the Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia ; accessed on April 29, 2019 (Ukrainian)
- ^ Entry on the Council of Ministers in the Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine ; accessed on April 29, 2019 (Ukrainian)
- ^ Government portal - Governments of the Ukrainian state on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ; accessed on April 29, 2019 (Ukrainian)
- ^ Entry on Hetman government in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine ; accessed on April 29, 2019
- ↑ a b Olena Boyko; Territory, borders and administrative-territorial division of the Ukrainian state under Hetman P. Skoropadskyj (1918) - Regional history of Ukraine, collection of scientific articles. - 2009. - Issue 3. - 232 pages; accessed on April 29, 2019 (Ukrainian)