President Wilson (ship)

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President Wilson p1
Ship data
flag United StatesUnited States United States
other ship names

Oriental Empress (1973-1984)

Ship type Passenger ship
home port San Francisco
Shipping company American President Lines
Shipyard Betlehem Steel Company, Alameda
Build number 9510
Launch November 24, 1947
takeover April 1948
Commissioning April 27, 1948
Decommissioning September 1975
Whereabouts Scrapped in Hong Kong in 1984
Ship dimensions and crew
185.78 m ( Lüa )
175 m ( Lpp )
width 23.01 m
Draft Max. 9.19 m
measurement 15,359 GT
Machine system
machine Turbo-electric drive
performanceTemplate: Infobox ship / maintenance / service format
14,914 kW (20,277 hp)
20 kn (37 km / h)
propeller 2 × fixed propellers
Transport capacities
Permitted number of passengers 579
IMO no. 5284118

The President Wilson was a passenger ship that entered service in 1948 for the American President Lines . The ship remained in service for the shipping company until 1973. It was then sold to Asia, where it was retired in 1975. In 1984 the ship was scrapped in Hong Kong . Originally the President Wilson was supposed to be completed as a transport ship. It takes its name from Woodrow Wilson , the 28th President of the USA.

Planning and construction

The ship was originally commissioned by the United States Maritime Commission in a series of eight MARCOM type P2-SE2-R1 troop carriers and supply ships. All ships of this series were designed to be used as combined ships in the South American service after the end of the war . The units of the type P2-SE2-R1 were given names of American admirals, with the later President Wilson initially being called Admiral FB Upham . After the ship was laid down on November 27, 1944, the US Maritime Commission canceled the construction contract on December 16, 1944. The unfinished hull of the ship remained laid up until the end of the war. In 1946 the American President Lines decided to take over the ship together with its also still unfinished sister ship President Cleveland in bareboat charter. The President Wilson was launched on November 24, 1947 and entered service on April 27, 1948 on the route from San Francisco to Hong Kong.

American President Lines

The ship remained in service until 1960 without major incidents. It was then modernized in San Francisco. In 1962, President Wilson moved from San Francisco to Yokohama . In 1970 the ship was decommissioned and sold due to falling passenger numbers.

Further whereabouts

The new owner was the Hong Kong-based shipowner CY Tung (1912–1982), who renamed the ship Oriental Empress . The ship was used as a passenger ship across Asia for two years until it was retired in 1975. Despite a change of ownership in 1976, the now obsolete ship never returned to service. In 1984 it was sold to Loy Kee Shipbreakers in Hong Kong, where it was scrapped.

Web links


  1. The last ships of the American President Lines. Retrieved August 12, 2015 .