Prix ​​Lumières / Best French-Language Film

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Prix ​​Lumières : Best French-Language Film

Winner of the French film price Prix Lumières in the category “Best French-language film” (Meilleur film francophone) . The French foreign press has been giving its awards every year since 2003 to the best French-language film productions and filmmakers, retrospectively for the previous cinema year. Between 1996 and 2002 the award for the best foreign film was given. The brothers Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne have received four awards so far the most frequently (as of 2015).

year Award winners German title Director
2003 Le fils The son Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne
2004 Les invasions barbaren The Barbarian Invasion Denys Arcand
2005 Demain on déménage We're moving tomorrow Chantal Akerman
2006 L'enfant The child Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne
2007 Bamako The Last Judgment of Bamako Abderrahmane Sissako
2008 Delice Paloma I think of you, Paloma Nadir Moknèche
2009 Le silence de Lorna Lorna's silence Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne
2010 J'ai tué ma mère I killed my mother Xavier Dolan
2011 Un homme qui crie A man who screams Mahamat-Saleh Haroun
2012 Incendies The woman who sings - incendies Denis Villeneuve
2013 La pirogue The pirogue Moussa Toure
2014 Les chevaux de Dieu Les Chevaux de Dieu Nabil Ayouch
2015 Deux jours, une nuit Two days, one night Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne
2016 Much Loved Much Loved Nabil Ayouch
2017 Inhebbek Hedi Hedi's wedding Mohamed Ben Attia
2018 Insyriated Inside life Philippe Van Leeuw
2019 Girl Girl Lukas Dhont

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