Pro Grigioni Italiano

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The Italian-speaking part of Graubünden (darkened)

Pro Grigioni Italiano (officially abbreviated Pgi , ital. «For Italian Grisons ») is a language and cultural policy organization founded in 1918, which is committed to the preservation and promotion of Italianità in Italian Grisons (southern valleys of the Canton of Graubünden ). The current General Secretary is Giuseppe Falbo from Poschiavo (GR) and his assistant Paolo Fontana from Stabio (TI)

The Pgi is based in Chur and has Graubünden sections in Soazza in Misox , in Castasegna in Bergell , in Poschiavo in Puschlav , in St. Moritz and in Davos with a larger colony of Italian Graubünden immigrants. In addition, the Pgi is active in Bivio in the Oberhalbstein . Outside of Graubünden there are sections in Bern , Lugano , Geneva , Bellinzona and Zurich .

To be recognized as traditional and constitutive for the trilingual canton linguistic minority, the Pgi with the works Romansh Lia Rumantscha and Walservereinigung Grisons together.


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